OK, I think shes getting really close!! **PICS**


Well-Known Member
:weed:Ok, so like the title says, I think she's close. This is my first grow, and its not perfect but for a first grow I'm happy and I have learned a lot. *LIKE STAY AWAY FROM MIRACLE GROW TIME RELEASE FERTZ* I already have FoxFarm for my next grow. Anyways, how do they look? Most of the leaves are yellow and dying on my "older" plant. My other one (I didn't take pics of her) has at least another 2 weeks. So what do you think???:weed:



Well-Known Member
looks like your have some homegrown bud in your future..congrats!

looks like shes about a 1-2 weeks away from starting your flush. shes got a ph issue which is causing a lock out so i'd flush her with 6.3-6.5 water. no nutes.


Well-Known Member
you have at least three weeks left. It looks like you have a magnesium def, those rust spots are tell-tale signs of that.


Well-Known Member
looks like your have some homegrown bud in your future..congrats!

looks like shes about a 1-2 weeks away from starting your flush. shes got a ph issue which is causing a lock out so i'd flush her with 6.3-6.5 water. no nutes.

Thanks for the response. I have been told its either a cal dif or nute lockout. The only problem with it being nute lockout is my soil is with-in the proper ph level. It's around 7.5 I have also been told that f-ing Miracle Grow can cause nute lockout. Does anyone know if thats true???


Well-Known Member
7.5 is too high. around 6.5 is perfect with 6.9 being the high.
:weed:OK, so I just did a flush with ph'ed water at 6.5. I have 4 gal pots so I flushed with 16gal of water per plant, and in the last gal I added 1tsb of molasses. Will this help with nute lock out? Thanks for the help....:weed:


New Member
damn...those are some nice buds.... I know what ya mean about the MG with ferts....im on 3 weeks flowering and the tips of my leaves are curled because every time I water them there just getting more ....sucks bad... yours are looking awesome...how many watts did you use?...im using cfls also.... did you use any specific spectrum or just standard cool white?? im curious because im using cool whites with a total of 521 watts at 3 weeks into flower and my lady hasnt grown any taller in a few days...has me worried.... your gonna have some sweets smoke soon...


Well-Known Member
You can't tell when they're done just by looking at the plants and the leaves and the buds. You need to look at the trichomes, the little globules of fluid on stalks that are what make up the sparkly stuff. You want about 10% of them to be amber (overdone), and 10% clear (underdone), with the rest being cloudy or milky white. If you want it to be (very slightly) more of an 'up' high, then harvest a little earlier, and if you want more of a 'couchlock' high then harvest a little later. (That's mainly a strain-dependent thing though, so you won't be able to change the effects much no matter when you harvest. Just a little.)

You'll need a camera with decent macro capabilities, or a jewelers loupe (I use a 30x loupe, got it on ebay, about ten bucks or something), or a microscope of some kind. You can't really assess doneness with the unaided eye; you need some magnification capability.


Well-Known Member
6.5 is fantastic. try for 6.3 next time she's thirsty. i wouldn't add any nutes the next water and then watch for more signs of dif.

they look great for a first grow. a lot better than my first did and better than most i'd say.

anyway after a second look they have 4 weeks minimum left. post a pic in a few days.


Well-Known Member
6.5 is fantastic. try for 6.3 next time she's thirsty. i wouldn't add any nutes the next water and then watch for more signs of dif.

they look great for a first grow. a lot better than my first did and better than most i'd say.

anyway after a second look they have 4 weeks minimum left. post a pic in a few days.
:weed:Thanks for the kind remarks, I really enjoy doing this. I read about it honestly, every day. I some times wonder if I don't enjoy growing more than smoking. lol Anyways, I think the biggest problem is that I used Miracle Grow. I know some people love it, but personally I won't use it again. Next time I'm using 80% Organic Pro-Mix and 20% Perlite. For fertz, Ill use the FoxFarm 3 which I already have. Ohhh, Ill also be switching over to an HID for the flowering phase. Anyways, Ill post some more pics in 3 or 4 days. Thanks again...:weed:


Well-Known Member
i dunno who don is but if you move the kitty a lil bit i'll answer to just about anything.

there's just something about the smell of my flower room.........yeah i like it a lot too and reading? psh.. my eyes still hurt from my first grow.

no offense but it's not the mg soil. i use mg moisture control and have no burn, bug, or issues to bitch about. i leech the soil until the run off is 6.5 or so before i use it and then use about a 30-35% perlite mix. if you let mg soil drian well. you won't have any problems. i use the fox farms 3 pack at full strength after i transplant and i haven't had any burn in 3 grows now.

i think the key though is that i dialed in my enviroment to the strain i'm growing. each strain has unique phenos that desire diff nutes at diff levels at diff times. others need a certain humidity or temp and so on.........

anyway i'll look for more pics in a few days.


Well-Known Member
"i dunno who don is but..."
LOL, I just fixed that

"...if you move the kitty a lil bit i'll answer to just about anything."
Sorry Hun, maybe next time lol

Some people really like MG. As far as Me, I would rather feed them my self. But hey, If it's worked for you, than stick to it...


Well-Known Member
heh. you've a good sense of humor. i find that important when holding a cat against bare skin. lol

good luck n stuff



New Member
how many lights per plant do you have? and what wattage are all of the lights? Right now I only have 1 60 wat on each plant.


Well-Known Member
i see you have CFL's haning from a y socket, where did you get the stuff for the lighting? cords, sockets...
All my material (including the box it self) came from Home Depot, Lowes or Wal-Mart. The only exception is the Mylar (I got that from a specialty store). Any other questions just ask. :-P


New Member
how many lights per plant do you have? and what wattage are all of the lights? Right now I only have 1 60 wat on each plant.
how many lights per plant do you have? and what wattage are all of the lights? Right now I only have 1 60 wat on each plant.

And yes... I did just quote myself =D