ok guys gotta question about drying buds


i snipped two litttle nugs for taste testing how long will they need to dry and if i out it on a window seal i know itll dry faster but will the high be there still


Active Member
Yes it will be good. The main risk is force drying by overheating. I think somewhere around 150F causes the THC to degrade. I would cover it with paper to keep the direct light off of it. The bud wont taste as good or be as strong as fully ripe, cured bud but it will work.

How long to dry? Well until you can smoke them :) I would guess at least 24hrs with this method. There are other methods of force drying that are faster and of course riskier.


Well-Known Member
just rip a nug in bits, mayb even bust it up( while its wet still) if you do this when you wake up itll be ready to smoke that nightt/./

Charlie Who?

Active Member
When I want to fast dry a sample, I just stick a bud in the fridge over night, not covered or wrapped. The fridge is perfect---it's cool dar and VERY dry in there.

You can def get a good idea of the potency, but your full potency and full taste wont show up until you cure. Still, in a hurry to test a grow, the night in the fridge works like a champ.

MOF, I have a bud of Blue Sattelight in my fridge right now....he he he.



Active Member
A quick way? If your like me and i want/need some now! Take a piece of paper poke a bunch of holes in one end, fold it long ways for support, put oven on, put the paper over the door opening. Keep an eye on it, half an hour remove the dry leave the rest for longer.


Well-Known Member
When I want bud to dry I put it in the oven then put it in the microwave,put it in the oven then put it in the microwave,put it in the oven then put it in the microwave,put it in the oven then put it in the microwave,put it in the oven then put it in the microwave,put it in the oven then put it in the microwave,put it in the oven then put it in the microwave,put it in the oven then put it in the microwave,put it in the oven then put it in the microwave,put it in the oven then put it in the microwave J/K dont do that unless you absoloutly want to smoke or your a noob grower, smoker,toker stressing, having depression, left in the house alone, drunk and want to bone, want to smoke to the dome, hate your current bagseed, dont want to pull a jack move, in a bad mood,or what ever I usally just wait tho.


Active Member
I putt small quantity's to slow dry on top of my fridge on a peice of computer paper. The motor from the freezer actually keeps the top of the fridge nicely warm and dry, and it has the computer paper to draw moisture. If you wanna do a proper tatse test you need to slow dry. you won't have to cure for just a simple taste test. You can putt a small fan on it, sitting on paper, butt I just love the top of the fridge deal, since I started doing it for small quantity's.


Active Member
BTW, When I harvest, I slow dry in a dark warm & dry room for 3-5 weeks, then at the perfect moisture content I sweat cure in glass jars for 1 month. This dry and cure method turns the chloriphyl into simple sugars, and will bring out the best smooth smoke & flavor/ Aroma potential of your buds. a slowdry-sweatcure is what you really need to do