Ohsogreen & other organic growers, Gardener & Bloome?


Well-Known Member
Ohsogreen and other organic growers, et alia, I've got myself some cubic feet of the following soil (you have to scroll): Gardener & Bloome potting soil. It's also a soil amendment, which is nice, that tells me it's rich, but I'm wondering if it's too rich for the plant I'm growing. I also have 20qts. worm castings, along with 8qts. vermiculite (I switched when I read the bag of perlite, it's got the damned Miracle Gro ferts added to it! I don't want that unless I ASK for it! :evil: )(I hate that, not being able to make a choice).

Anyway.. where am I.. ok, I've got 4cu.ft of the potting soil, and a hell of a lot of not so good quality soil and five plants that must be planted very soonly, eight others soon enough. Most of the pots are 3gals. (I have space constraints, see my gallery to see my garden.) I have on hand Dr. Earth Organic 5 (again, scroll the window on the right) as well as a quart of liquid seaweed extract that smells tasty. Like sushi tasty. (Sorry, I love sushi, and the mermaid in me loves it as well..):lol:
A rich blend of Fir Bark Fines, Forest Humus, Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss, Perlite, Worm Castings, Chicken Manure, Bat Guano, Kelp Meal, and pH balanced to 6.5 with both Oyster Shell & Dolomite.
Primary Uses:
*For use in all indoor and outdoor potting containers, or raised bed applications.
*May be mixed with existing garden soil to enhance conditions for planting.
*Mix with existing soil in containers or pots to improve soil nutrients and physical properties.

Considering what's already in the soil, what would you add, if anything?


Well-Known Member
Bump-de-bump... it seems to be spongy, rich stuff. It's got some perlite, but not much, yet it drains very well (still got a small test pot outside draining after a small flush). I think it's good stuff, and I guess I'll add some vermiculite.


Well-Known Member
Seamaiden... That Gardner & Bloome sounds like some excellant stuff - equal too Happy Frog or Ocean Forest blends. I really don't think it needs a thing. I'd mix 60 % potting soil, 30 % of this stuff & 10 % vermiculite. Then give it one regular strength dose of Super Plant Tonic. (mix one ounce of SPT to one gallon of chlorine free water - then only water in at the rate of one quart per gallon of soil). I'd even catch the run off from my containers & use it on other plants in my yard or garden. Then just sit back & watch the Organic Magic at work - Mary is going to be very pleased.
I would not even touch any fertilizers for the first month to six weeks, with new starts; given the quality make up of your G & B mix. If you are transplating, I'd use just a little less of the G & B mix (like 20 %) so when flowering time comes around, not too much N is still in the mix.
Just for light maintenance, I'd use quarter strength Super Plant Tonic every two weeks after that. That will help maintain the tribe of little micro-beaties & good fungi, without too much activity. Then a very light dose of the liquid seaweed at about week 6 of growth & again at week 9.
Looks like you've scored with the G & B. How much did that bag cost ? Just curious.
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Well-Known Member
Thank you very much! I broke out the bong last night and smoked to my head, had to go to bed. bongsmilie :lol:

I think the 2cu.ft bags were about $8.50 apiece at the local garden center. Yep, Dave just confirmed, came to $19+change for two bags. SCORE. This place carries a lot of organic stuff, and they're only about 3 miles from home. Living where we do (Sierra Nevada, south of Lake
Tahoe, north of Yosemite), that's a BIG deal. Hell, we've got to travel 18 miles just to do the regular grocery shopping in "town", and with gas averaging $4.50/gal, we plan our trips (always have, but now even more carefully). :D

Yes, I am transplanting these new babies....


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Well-Known Member
Thank you very much! I broke out the bong last night and smoked to my head, had to go to bed. bongsmilie :lol:

I think the 2cu.ft bags were about $8.50 apiece at the local garden center.

Yes, I am transplanting these new babies....
That is a very good price for such a well mixed amendment. Yes, gas prices are a *itch. We have been cutting out any trip that is not completely necessary. Gas everywhere here in Little Rock is $ 4.05 to $ 4.15 a gallon. Luckly, most of the things we need are pretty close, buy my favortie garden center is about 15 miles away, on the other side of town.
Driving 18 miles one way for groceries may be a bit of the bummer, but I'm sure the privacy out your way is much better. I can throw a rock & hit either neighbors house, way too easy. I have to go backpacking to take care of my babies.
After my kids leave the nest, the wife & I might just buy 20 acres & a cabin - way back in the woods. Near Hardy or Mtn. Home. Then I can farm like a Hillbilly.... yee haw.... Copperhead Road.....


Well-Known Member
Yee haw, friend, yee haw! ;) You're correct about the privacy, although we're only on about 1.3 acres and can still see our neighbors. However, we're in a nice house, and we're below the snow yet above the fog.