Og kush organ

OG KUSH (SFV cut) ORGANIC SOIL outdoor /indoor Medical grow-
(some moves to indoor for final 2-3 weeks.)
Help Please!
Grateful for all feedback support!
Finally asking for some help- I Have learned alot thru these threads
Thought this was another issue now realize it seems to be nute related;

ISSUE: (Good pics attached)
Yellowing/ brown spotting leaves. Also slowed growth.
Appears in early to mid late flowering.
RATIO Ranges from 70%/ 15% /15%
to 40%/ 20%/ 20%
Moving to Pure COCO for indoor.
Soils- mix of FF Ocean Forest/Black Gold/Roots Organics

Dechlorinated tap at 6.3 PPMS unknown- TDS pen coming this week!
FLUSH AT PH 7 gives runoff of PH 6.5
Feed nutes at PH 6.3-6.5
WATER has not been an issue for other strains, nor has this yellowing occurred in this way

FEEDING: in Bloom:
Pura Vida Bloom 2 ml per liter
Organo Bat Guano liquid 2ml per liter
Bio BLoom 2 ml per liter.
Some Liquid karma every 3 or 4 feedings
( combo of these 2 does not exceed 2 ml per liter)
Was giving Cal Mag every other feeding probably lite doses.
NOW ADDING AT recommended amounts PLANT AMP ( Ca) and MAG AMP ( Mg)
Also been giving PRO TEKT silica right along for cell walls and PM resistance- more on that later -
Have learned a lot about ORGANIC CONTROLS FOR PM!
PICS Show progression up plant and yellowing spotting patterns.
DOES THIS LOOK LIKE Mg deficiency?
Seeing some leaf curl at margins ( also see pics)
Have had some hi temps for this weeks but this yellowing issue has been happening well before that.
Have more pics also.
THANKS For all Kokua( support)
OOPS_ Posted this without right title or pics!
Here is complete version...
OG KUSH (SFV cut) ORGANIC SOIL outdoor /indoor Medical grow-
(some moves to indoor for final 2-3 weeks.)
Help Please!
Grateful for all feedback support!
Finally asking for some help- I Have learned alot thru these threads
Thought this was another issue now realize it seems to be nute related;

ISSUE: (Good pics attached)
Yellowing/ brown spotting leaves. Also slowed growth.
Appears in early to mid late flowering.
RATIO Ranges from 70%/ 15% /15%
to 40%/ 20%/ 20%
Moving to Pure COCO for indoor.
Soils- mix of FF Ocean Forest/Black Gold/Roots Organics

Dechlorinated tap at 6.3 PPMS unknown- TDS pen coming this week!
FLUSH AT PH 7 gives runoff of PH 6.5
Feed nutes at PH 6.3-6.5
WATER has not been an issue for other strains, nor has this yellowing occurred in this way

FEEDING: in Bloom:
Pura Vida Bloom 2 ml per liter
Organo Bat Guano liquid 2ml per liter
Bio BLoom 2 ml per liter.
Some Liquid karma every 3 or 4 feedings
( combo of these 2 does not exceed 2 ml per liter)
Was giving Cal Mag every other feeding probably lite doses.
NOW ADDING AT recommended amounts PLANT AMP ( Ca) and MAG AMP ( Mg)
Also been giving PRO TEKT silica right along for cell walls and PM resistance- more on that later - Have learned a lot about ORGANIC CONTROLS FOR PM!
PICS Show progression up plant and yellowing spotting patterns.
DOES THIS LOOK LIKE Mg deficiency?
Seeing some leaf curl at margins ( also see pics)
Have had some hi temps for this weeks but this yellowing issue has been happening well before that.
They seem to be going great in veg early flower, and then start to rumn out of gas and yield is very low for plant size.
THANKS For all Kokua( support)



DOES THIS LOOK LIKE Mg deficiency?
Seeing some leaf curl at margins
No it doesn't look like Mg deficiency. Nor does It look like nitrogen, or phosphorous, or potassium, or calcium deficiency. Those are the usual suspects in a soil grow. And they all have a certain look to them. That mostly leaves Micro nutrients.

I think you might have a PH issue. And the leaf curl at the margins looks like possible salt build up. (hot weather could also curl leaves)

With soil grows the micro nutrients are usually there, but are not available cause of PH and/or excess of one nutrient is locking out another.

You might be trying to hard to hit the perfect PH. It may even be too low. If I were you I would give the plants a real good flush with plain water, and follow with a mild feeding a few days later.

Also remember some strains are just a lot more sensitive to PH issues.

Good luck! hope the helps some.

food for thought...

I use just plain city water in my grow (de-chlorinated). My water PH is around 7.5 - 8 but everything I add to the soil is acidic so my water actually balances it out. Plus a healthy dose of dolomite lime really helps keep the PH on target.
Thanks Zod-
Appreciate the input.
I did a good Flush about a week back with PH 7.0 tap water, runoff was 6.3-6.5 so I thought I was ok with PH issue.
I will check containers with PH meter in the am, also flush a few more and get back.
Have not heard of da Kush having PH issues maybe others familar with this strain might know.
I was guessing Issue might be Mg Def, but been keeeping the Cal Mag adds reasonable ( as in 1st post)
I think you are right on the heat issue Re; leaf curl- it had been mid 90's plus for a few days.
I am still flummoxed as I thought my PH was ok and in acceptable range.
Could it be a lockout of something from H2O?
/Here are a few more pics- one showing a beauty cola from this same grow.
Really grateful for any help here- not sure what is up???
Have put so much into these girls- would love to solve this before it gets worse...



The new pics you posted do look like magnesium deficiency. They have the classic look - yellowing from the tip, with brown spots.

But I still suspect your PH is too low. Magnesium can start to get locked out in soil below 6.5 PH. The fact that you have been giving Cal-mag and are still showing signs of a deficiency is a good clue.

I would also try a little foliar feeding with 1/2 teaspoon per gallon water of Epsom salts. Spray the leaves on both sides and try not to spray any buds. Rinse again with just water a day later.

If that was the issue you should see improvement in a week or so.....

good luck
Thanks Zod!
here are a few more pics to confirm-
1st pic shows small leaf in bottom center just starting to yellow from tip, then closeup of same.
If low ph/Mg lockout is the case, would flushing with PH 7 water help?
The Mag amp I have is rated for foliar, and I iwll try some of that although tough right now to hit only leaves.
Do you think I should I continue to give Mg at defiency rate of 10 ml per gallon, or correct ph first?


to serve man

Active Member
That looks like a manganese def, not mg. I think your direct culprit for this def is your water source. City tap water is usually very high in TDS, which in turn usually always causes a ca def, which in turns causes a manganese lockout. I wouldn't recommend foliar feeding your plants that far into flower as it could cause bud rot and mildew. You're ph doesn't seem to be that off either.

I would say that your problem seems to lie in 2 things: 1, using tap water which is already high in TDS (ca & mg mainly), then you are also on top of that giving your plants Cal Mag, which is causing too much of those nutrients to be available, locking them out to the roots, causing toxic levels to be kept in the soil. I would say flush your plants with plain water at a ph of 6.5, with any kind of water besides the tap, because you will just be loading more ca & mg into the soil.

Or, flush the plants with tap water, and then don't add anymore cal mag to your mixes. How far into flowering are you currently? They seem to be pretty far, so you might not even want to worry about it to much if you only have a couple weeks left, and just let them do their thing after the flush.


How far into flowering are you currently? They seem to be pretty far, so you might not even want to worry about it to much if you only have a couple weeks left, and just let them do their thing after the flush.
Good point!

It can be real tricky sometimes trying to diagnose deficiencies (especially over the internet)

The first instinct is to look at the leaf and see which deficiencies match up with how it looks then you try and give the plant more of whats missing.


If its a PH issue you will just be trying to correct the symptom and not the real problem. You may have plenty of the deficient nutrient in your soil but its not available and adding more can make it worse.


(As if things were not complex enough!)

There is the problem of over fertilizing. Your PH may be right on the money but excessive amounts of one nutrient have locked-up another. In this case adding more nutes and trying to further adjust the PH does more harm then good.

To make matters worse...sometimes you get a mix of all three - deficient/PH/toxic build up.

I still think you are looking at one of the last two issues - PH/over-fertilized. Plus your leaves look almost too green and are starting to get that 'glossy' look(over-fert).

I think your best bet is to do what To Serve Man said, just flush with water and ride it out. (stop feeding for a bit)

good luck
keep us posted

to serve man

Active Member
Plus your leaves look almost too green and are starting to get that 'glossy' look(over-fert).
I forgot to mention that myself! They look like they are being grown hydro, because they have that 'pushed-to-the-limit' look. And with hydro, you are always pushing your plants to the limit, which is why you can burn the fuck (until death!) outta hydro plants if ph & ppm aren't in check at all times.

Ease up on the nutes some, let the microbeasties do their thing.
Back online been on da road.
Thanks! TSM I think you are right on RE: the water.
I have been resisiting the RO Filter thing, but may go there after all.
Pen just came and will see what it says in terms of ppm in tap water.
Is there any way to tell if Cal/ Mg are present from EC/PPM meter?
I am interested to see if the issue goes away with using RO water in bloom.
Does not seem to affect other strains grown in same conditions.
This strain OG Kush is beautiful and distinctive medicine.
Learning what it allows it to flourish is an interesting learning curve to say the least...
Others who have grown it sucessfully for a good bit do push it in terms of nutes.
I definitely began to give it a bit more it a bit more in flower- not overdo or beyond low end recommendations, only feeding every 3rd water.
Using Pura Vida Bloom which does not have Cal Mag so it needs supplementing there.
This run I have begun foliar feeding with Thrive Alive-(I love it cause it is jes like composted manure- 1-1-1) and silica and Cal Mag.
WOW! This is working amazingly well- in 2 days of foliar have seen a huge difference in vigor and new growth!
THanks again

to serve man

Active Member
No, there is no real way to check what chemicals are present in your water with just that pen. You would have to send it to a lab to get it analyzed or get some stuff to check it yourself. But as a general "rule of thumb" tap water is ALWAYS high in cal & mag. This is why you don't need to add cal mag to your pure vida nutrients, it is already present (in probably very high levels. tap water is usually very hard water as well) in your tap water. It seems to be causing a build up of those nutrients in the soil, locking them out.