OG Kush, Day 49 Trich pics...almost ready????


Thanks all! I'm doing just that, nothing but water from this point out for that one. I think that little camera my wife has is AWESOME for taking these bud shots. It's a little pocket Nikon with a close up setting that really works good for this stuff. I think I'll go in tonight, and every night from this point on and take a few photos, bring 'em in and blow 'em up on the computer and start looking for those trichs to turn. Man, as far as the patience goes, these last few days are excruciating!!! I feel like a kid a few days away from his first Christmas lol. Sleep about as much as one too... OH, on a side note, I had bought one of those twisted trimmer bowls, 16" variety and after taking down a few smaller plants with it the other day I've got to say this thing is the bomb! I was worried about the tines knocking off the trichs, but the buds I examined under my 500x scope, showed very little damage and almost all the trichomes perfectly intact. Took me about 30 minutes to take down 4 small plants. Good buy for 139.00 in my opinion. I wouldn't use it for my bigger buds, certainly not my colas, but it sure turns all the smaller stuff into perfectly trimmed little nugs very quickly. I'll post tonights pics too!


Day 56 here and everyone is still intact. I took some pictures this morning before lights out. These pics are just an hour or so old. This is my first grow peeps and so far, I've done pretty well, but I've NO IDEA what I'm looking at here. As many newbies learn, it's easier to work with one strain. I've got 4 going of course. I'm going to post the pics of each strain that I took this morning, including a couple of close up shots in the hopes that you all can help me dial in the final leg of this grow. Here we go...

OG Kush

Tangerine Dream
DSCN1769.jpgDSCN1769 - Version 2.jpgDSCN1773.jpgDSCN1773 - Version 2.jpg

Grand Daddy Purple
DSCN1780.jpgDSCN1780 - Version 2.jpgDSCN1781.jpgDSCN1781 - Version 2.jpg

Purple Alien

How close??? Days?? Hours??? Help!!! All going on week 9 from flip tomorrow!


Active Member
Hey man, nice grow looking dank.

They look basically done maybe give them a few days then chop. The OG looks like it could do with a week or so.



Thanks all! I just took a small sample nug from the bottom branch of the GDP. Here are the trich pics from a few minutes ago...
I'm thinking she's done...I'm thinking i should let her dry out the next day then chop her tomorrow during the dark period...whadda ya think???

2012-10-05 10:46:33 -0700..JPG2012-10-05 10:44:31 -0700..JPG2012-10-05 10:44:54 -0700..JPG2012-10-05 10:45:18 -0700..JPG2012-10-05 10:45:49 -0700..JPG

Here's a few more frosty one's from this morning after lights out...
Tangerine Dream

Grand Daddy Purple

Purple Alien




Ok, I've put the trich pics for the day in somewhat of an order. The first are the GDP. I think it looks ready. As I said before, I'm a total newbie and have been told by a good friend that for this first grow, when I think the plant is ready, and I've got the loppers out, put 'em away and wait another week. Here ya go...

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And now here's the Purple Alien. It doesn't look quite as ready as the GDP above, to me anyway. Please all comments welcomed. These pics were taken from a very low nug and not as sugary as the top. Here ya go...

PA Day 56.JPGPA1 Day 56.JPGPA2 Day 56.JPGPA3 Day 56.JPGPA4 Day 56.JPGPA5 Day 56.JPG


Seriously? 50 plus people look and don't say shit? Man, this site is whack. Was hoping for some help... I got it from here, peace...


There ya go...douche bag of the day. Wow, you're Mr. Ganja, is that what you're ass clown boyfriend calls you when he pounds your funky fat ass?


Well-Known Member
Let me get this straight... You make a post, get three pages of responses.

Then NOT EVEN A SINGLE DAY GOES BY and you're bitching about how "wack" this site is? You have the patience of a 7 year old. Good luck with that.