OG KUSH / bagseed Harvest pics !!!


Well-Known Member
Hey just cut down all three of my ladies, 2 "OG Kush" and one random bagseed.

The bagseed is the orange haired one, which somehow went hermie at the end and has seeds here and there.

The "OG kush" are the crystally dense ones, which smell crazy and real good, they have some stink for sure, very potent.

67 days flowering total, 400 w mh for veg then hps for flowering.

--couldn't have done it without all of the info and help from people here. :joint:

Enjoy, any comments are welcome, thanks!!


Well-Known Member
haha thanks guys, appreciate all the compliments. i'll break the harvest yield down into dime bags later for ya tommo. haha

thanks about the dress hanger cheetah ;) give me a break over here. your hanger full of goodness in the avatar doesn't look to bad either


Well-Known Member
did u hang them in your closet? man, i don't think I'm patient enough to grow, I'm only a week into flower, i don't even know the sex yet.


Well-Known Member
yep they're hung back in the spot i was growing in, the side of the closet. darkness in there and some fans running now for circulation :)

you can do it it just gets more and more fun as the plants start looking more and more like an actual marijuana plant with buds. stick with it buddy


Well-Known Member
good for you man, you finally chopped those fine ladies. I'll be chopping mine tomorrow!!!!!


Well-Known Member
very nice man, happy curing !!! :) be sure to check in for final yield and tell me how you did too. peace


Well-Known Member
i used only organic fox farms nutes, and just ended up running ph'ed water through them for about a week and a half or maybe longer... not really completely flushing with a shit ton of water though. plan to cure/ dry for about 2 weeks total, depends on how they look !! thanks man

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Nice, I saved 2 of those pics- they were so good i wanna look at em again when i harvest lol... Looks like you did it right... hows that OG kush smoke compared to the bag seed- and have u mixed em?


Well-Known Member
haha wow thank you, thats awesome. the og kush has yet to be smoked i want to cure it and do everything right. but i've quick dried the bagseed and it smoked really smooth and got me pretty damn high surprisingly. i'll keep you guys updated definitely.

thanks for checkin in OB CRON