Odour Problems


I finished my first grow and had problems with odour. I had to cut them 2 weeks early because of odour problem. I live in apartment and all floor was totally smelling on last weeks when i open elevator door.

I m growing in bedroom always aircondition is working around 21 Celcius 70F and in grow tent 4x4 temparature 23C 74F. I have 5 inch 225 CFM exhaust fan with 5 inch 275CFM carbon filter and 4 inch intake fan. All air circulate in the closed room via air condition. I used onagel in front of room door and febreze and tried other air perfumes. Still couldnt get rid of smell all around the all floor of apartment.
My strains was Superlemonhaze 4x25L pot which i read its not very stinky strain before.

I scared last 2 weeks because everyone can smell odour from apartment and cut them.
Now i m scared to grow second time too.
I read a lot about these problems on the forum. But i couldnt solve issues.

I need to solve this if i will grow again.

So i need help and advices from experienced growers.
If i use low smell strains like Kali mist, Green Ninja, Masterkush, Dutchposion can they solve my odor problem? I dont have any idea about how much they smell relatively to superlemonhaze. Or something wrong with my setup? Or problem caused by air condition is always circulating the same air in the room. Or my carbon dud?
Grateful for advices. Thank you all.


Well-Known Member
Things you can do.

Make sure RH is not high, it will stop the filter working.

Check for tears in duct and leaks from fan , hood, filter joins. Tape them all up.

Use an extra filter , assuming your venting into your room, stick another filter on the exit point.

Slow your fan down to increase contact time on the carbon.

Use quality filters. Cheap ones may not be packed tight and have gaps which the dirty air will flow through


Well-Known Member
Plant basil and rosemary in pots outside the tent. It'll make it smell like a spice garden.

It is extremely dangerous growing in apartments though. All it takes is one person to smell it and call the cops and you're busted.