odor control for 8x8 grow


Well-Known Member
how about cal mag a lot of people on hear say you need it and ya I'll checkout those nutes I know cal mag is soppouse to help with nute uptake does it do the same as the floralicious plus or just get FP and I havn't heard much about superthrive but I'll check it out I'm not sure about a journal I have my mom ready to rock n roll though I got to finish the flower room maybe once they switch over I aint seen to many journals on here
If you're using tap water take a ppm reading of it, anything over 100ppm should have a good amount of trace minerals such as calcium and magnesium. But if you are experiencing deficiencies then you definitely should get some. I recommend GH CaliMagic because it has a low N rating (1-0-0) and doesn't spike your ppm too high. And since you got your mom going have you also got clones on the go as well? If you need any help with the cloning process let me know, I'd be glad to help you out. Namaste!