

Well-Known Member
I guess I should put my thoughts in about Obama winning.

First, I guess I have to congratulate him. Clearly, despite leaving a lot of blanks in his policy, and repeating a lot of it over and over again on his web page, he some how managed to convince a lot of Americans that he was better than John McCain for President.

I suppose it's also great news that he won, because it will hopefully convince a lot of people that racism and discrimination are on the decline, if not a phantom or a shadow of what they once were. The bad news is that no matter how hard the government tries it will never be able to stamp out discrimination, because it is part of human nature to dislike people that are not similar. I'm not saying it's correct to dislike some one because of their skin color, or sex, or gender, I'm pointing to the fact that liberals and conservatives will continue to dislike each other's ideas.

Those who are saying Obama is a unifier are not correct. Obama may be president, but I hope that just like there were people that were not willing to hesitate on calling Bush out on his stupidity, and his flawed positions, that there will be people in the Democrat side that are willing to do the same to Obama.

Of course, I'm also greatly relieved in the fact that the Republicans have not put a socialist president in the White House. I also hope that McCain will be the last "Compassionate Conservative" that we ever hear of.

I supposed I also should be greatful that Obama has probably shut down the Clinton Political Machine, and thus saved the white house from being used as a frat house. Some how, I think that if Obama, pulls that kind of crap he has the kind of wife that'll separate Obama from his little friend. So the White House interns are safe.

However, I can honestly state, that I will not blindly follow the new president. I think it was one of the Democrats or Liberals on this forums that had in their signature that "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism."

That is, and will remain true, I just hope that they continue to be willing to dissent.

As for Obama,

God speed, and may the path he chooses be the one that will maximize our liberties and ensure that we are still the greatest, and freest nation in the world.


Well-Known Member
i saw like 10 crosshair laser beams on his upper torso and head the second he got ellected so i dont know how long hes going to last.


Well-Known Member
i saw like 10 crosshair laser beams on his upper torso and head the second he got ellected so i dont know how long hes going to last.
Hopefully all four years, the last thing we need is the kind of insanity that would stem from his assassination. I may think he's a crack pot, but I don't wish him dead, that'd be hard on his wife and kids.


Active Member
Hopefully all four years, the last thing we need is the kind of insanity that would stem from his assassination. I may think he's a crack pot, but I don't wish him dead, that'd be hard on his wife and kids.
If You Consider Your self an American he is your president point blank period but an assassination is the last thing this country needs right now if this does happen god willing it wont a RACE war is inevitable:peace:


Well-Known Member
If You Consider Your self an American he is your president point blank period but an assassination is the last thing this country needs right now if this does happen god willing it wont a RACE war is inevitable:peace:
Why are you repeating what I said?

And no, not wishing him dead is just right, it has nothing to do with being American, or not American or what not. It has to do with being a decent human being.


New Member
I'm an American and proud of it. Yes, Obama will be my president ... but I don't have to agree with his policies. In addition, I will be bitching my head off about the policies I don't agree with. What could be more American that that? :lol:



Active Member
I'm an American and proud of it. Yes, Obama will be my president ... but I don't have to agree with his policies. In addition, I will be bitching my head off about the policies I don't agree with. What could be more American that that? :lol:

Thank You all apart of being an American and living in a democracy that we live in i don't totally agree wit all of his policies my self but assassinating the man for one reason and one reason only has nothing to do with his policies or beliefs but the color of his skin and that alone if some one tries or does assassinate him we know what the main reason was and a race war would rip this country apart.


Well-Known Member
I just hope that people give him a chance to actually do something before naysaying him. Taking the "Fuck Bush," no respect energy that has built up over the last 4 years and directing it towards our new guy immediately.

If you remember, the bush haters were gradual. He first get's elected in 2000 under questionable circumstances. Sure, people are upset, but they eventually let it slide and say, "Hey Mr. President, do your thing." And that was the deal, until he started fucking up all over the place. That's when the bush haters grew exponentially.

Just let him fuck up on his own accord before anyone needs to jump on his case. For now, we have a clean slate.


Well-Known Member
I think it may be just the change we need.

If you ask me i think Mccain is kind of out of it like old people usually get. Obama at 47 against Mccain at 72. yeah i kno he's the president and stays in good shape n everything but he can croak at any minute. he reminded me of one of those old guys hobbling around in an old peoples home moving his arms up n down. im not trying to down on him, but im just calling it like i see it. i just feel safer with somebody that is, to the best of my knowledge, sane at 46 or 47 years old.

Obama can actually put out a good speech without stammering around and stuttering. this has to be a good sign that he's with it and knows what he has to do to make the people happy.

plus im just hoping he goes along with what he said he's gonna do for this country. including the decriminalization of medicinal marijuana. he said he would decriminalize medical users. i guess that caused a big uproar and later told the people that disliked the idea, that he had never said anyhting like that. but i think once he's incharge he's gonna do what he orginally wanted to.

Lets just cross our fingers and hope he pulls us out of this mess were in. i beleive he'll be able to.

Everybodys gonna have there mistakes, so im willing to give him a chance

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
One thing I am happy about Obama being in office is The Supreme Court. If any seats become available I'd like to see centerist or liberal judges appointed. The court is stacked too far to the right and that is a risk to Roe v. Wade.


Well-Known Member
Not me, I was a 'Bush-Hater' during his days as a candidate for the RNC..... But I hated the Clintons just as much, altho I will grant that Bill at least didn't run the country into the ground......:roll:

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
Um, Bush had a decent global energy policy that shared US energy technology with other countries like India, his administration did kind of a lot to fight AIDS worldwide, and I actually liked his stance on immigration.

But other than that, yeah, he was a pretty lousy president. Like Jon Stewart said: "They say that some leaders are born great, some achieve greatness, some have greatness thrust upon them, and then there's this guy, who couldn't buy great at a great store that was going out of business and had to get rid of all their great."


Active Member
Um, Bush had a decent global energy policy that shared US energy technology with other countries like India, his administration did kind of a lot to fight AIDS worldwide, and I actually liked his stance on immigration.

But other than that, yeah, he was a pretty lousy president. Like Jon Stewart said: "They say that some leaders are born great, some achieve greatness, some have greatness thrust upon them, and then there's this guy, who couldn't buy great at a great store that was going out of business and had to get rid of all their great."
Yea he pushed some good policies as of late but it took for our economy to fail our country to go through 9/11 for him to decide to push some good policies concerning us to the top of the list


Well-Known Member
I think it may be just the change we need.

If you ask me i think Mccain is kind of out of it like old people usually get. Obama at 47 against Mccain at 72. yeah i kno he's the president and stays in good shape n everything but he can croak at any minute. he reminded me of one of those old guys hobbling around in an old peoples home moving his arms up n down. im not trying to down on him, but im just calling it like i see it. i just feel safer with somebody that is, to the best of my knowledge, sane at 46 or 47 years old.

Obama can actually put out a good speech without stammering around and stuttering. this has to be a good sign that he's with it and knows what he has to do to make the people happy.

plus im just hoping he goes along with what he said he's gonna do for this country. including the decriminalization of medicinal marijuana. he said he would decriminalize medical users. i guess that caused a big uproar and later told the people that disliked the idea, that he had never said anyhting like that. but i think once he's incharge he's gonna do what he orginally wanted to.

Lets just cross our fingers and hope he pulls us out of this mess were in. i beleive he'll be able to.

Everybodys gonna have there mistakes, so im willing to give him a chance
You obviously didn't listen to Obama all that often when he wasn't near a teleprompter. If I typed uh that much into my uh posts people would uh, uhm, start wondering how truly uh eloquent I am.

As far as this mess... I don't believe his policies are likely to do anything but make it worse. The problem isn't the distribution of the pie, the problem is making the pie grow.

Who cares how the pie is divided if its shrinking?