Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize


Active Member
Heres the Link


So, Obama hasn't really done shit as far as I know. Im not a fan, I feel that he has always been over hyped.

I just don't get how you can win the fucking Nobel Peace Prize for PLANNING to help bring peace to the world. Im not trying to hate on Obama or anything because hes obviously out trying to do something, and as a matter of fact I agree with what hes trying to do. I just think the award is a bit premature. What if Obama doesn't follow through? My point is there have got to be some people out there who have actually went out and made a difference. It just seems like blasphemy to me.

Anybody else have thoughts?


Well-Known Member
obama has done shit, he has lied and done everything that he promised not to do...

he must have blown some important people to get the nobel peace prize!!!!


Well-Known Member
I understand he's a lock for the National Spelling Bee.

Too bad about the National Geography Bee (57 states - ouch!). Looks like the prize is in the bag for the homeschoolers - once again.