Obama the messiah


Well-Known Member
#1, as the Dems on this board we need to take a step back and look at how the 'other side' is attacking Obama.

Everything that he does is wrong and the worst thing ever for the country from their point of view.

Eventually with so much slander being thrown out some people will sit back and say, I don't care about politics but with how much they say is wrong something must be up and I should vote the other way.

This is exactly what our side did to Bush from about '03 on. Before that remember how all the news channels would blow people up for talking out against Bush (aka Dixie Chicks)? But eventually they realized that they could make more money slamming Bush by keeping the viewers in a panic.

Then you look at folks like Michael Moore and how he would use small bits of information and expand it into a full on corruption of Bush. (Although his last film did mainly stick to facts with very little fudging that he normally does).

Now take all the things we 'heard' that bush did and how horrid they were, the patriot act and the mysterious 1000 pages added in just before they voted, all the shady Bin Laden and Oil people that he was friends with, ect.

It is exactly the same thing that is happening now with Obama, except they got a jump on it due to no 911 solidifying the country against a common enemy (aka them, noone could agree who they were but knew they were out there).

So people arguing so hard by just listening to the right media (face it you hate to hear right/left, but it is the media (blogs and 'news') for your 'facts', just like the left media sucked us in over the last 6 years or so.

It keeps you in a panic and them with your viewership.

So just realize that as wrong as we were about how horrible bush was, you are doing the same with Obama.

Bush did have a serious bit of issues, some he made worst, but thinks were going to be tanked after 9/11 and he was able to delay the inevitable for a while. But since they didn't deflate the bubble and just let it pop that was his mistake.

Iraq was a bad decision for the right reasons. Hussein needed to go (we shouldn't have helped him get there in the first place), and eventually it will pay off if we can fix up the country and get it working again.

So just like we should have then, you need to now. Research and don't believe any news or talking heads until you research it for yourselves.

If the left is saying something bad about the right, chances are it was fed by the media. If the right is saying something about the left, again fed by media.

The problem is we are arguing about totally different points, and essentially all want the same things.


Well-Known Member
Well instead of beating his chest and implying that he was going to war with Korea if they launched a missle, making a pissing contest. He kept his mouth shut.

And that forced China to actually step up and help the situation out since they are one of the only countries they listen to.

That was very good.