Obama the LIAR wastes more money on the drug war


Well-Known Member
You heard me right. He flat out LIED and here's more of our tax dollars WASTED by his decision to increase funds for the 'war on drugs' What a pathetic liar. Oh wait, he's a politician... same thing.

Yeah, Let's Throw Away More Tax Money! Obama Boosts War On Drugs

Nice speeches... But same old Drug War.​Contrary to campaign promises and past policy statements, the Obama Administration is expanding the War on (Some) Drugs and focusing funds toward law enforcement over treatment.

Opinion? No, fact. According to 2011 funding "highlights" released this week by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), the administration budgets $15.5 billion for Drug War spending in 2011, an increase of 3.5 percent over 2010.

Even more ominously, the 2011 budget represents an increase of 5.2 percent in overall enforcement funding ($9.9 billion in 2011 vs. $9.7 billion in 2010).

For the non-policy-wonks among you who aren't into numbers, this is roughly the equivalent of throwing 15 and a half billion dollars up a wild hog's ass and hollering "soooEEEEEE!"

​Addiction treatment and preventative measures are budgeted to increase from $5.2 billion to $5.6 billion.

Incredibly, President Obama chose to continue funding the wasteful National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, an incompetent boondoggle run by Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske's office.
The campaign has for years wasted shocking amounts of money on absurd and laughable anti-marijuana ads which, if anything, serve only to highlight the intellectual bankruptcy of prohibition.

The ads have also proved to be totally ineffective at stopping or even slowing teen drug use, with some evidence indicating their net effect is to increase youthful drug experimentation.

One such ad released in 2006 even implies that marijuana use can lead to rape, a particularly dishonest claim considering that alcohol, a legal drug, is a factor in a huge majority of sexual assaults.

Aaron Houston: "The President is throwing good money after bad when what we really need is a new direction"​"This budget reflects the same Bush-era priorities that led to the total failure of American drug policy during the last decade," said Aaron Houston, director of government relations at the [URL="https://www.rollitup.org/"]marijuana Policy Project[/URL].

"One of the worst examples is $66 million requested for the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign when every independent study has called it a failure," Houston said.

"The President is throwing good money after bad when what we really need is a new direction."


Well-Known Member
I think if he could do something positive about the matter he would try - but, he can't stand up alone against the masses of law enforcement and local officials who would have his head if he went directly against the usual policies.. Change simply can't and won't come from the top federal levels - states will stand up and change one by one exactly like at the end of alcohol prohibition..


Well-Known Member
Change simply can't and won't come from the top federal levels - states will stand up and change one by one exactly like at the end of alcohol prohibition..
Too bad he sold everyone down the river with his CHANGE and YES WE CAN pep talks.
Truth is: SAME OLD, SAME OLD and NO WE CAN'T!. Never trust a politician...they all suck.


Well-Known Member
you are right there - but he is not alone to blame here by any means - he is swayed by hoards of massive liars.. also he inherited the policies and lackeys of a total madman..

Man o' the green

Active Member
Ok then. I say next time we all elect someone who pledges to expand the war on drugs, so when they become an elected scumbag, they can break their promise and do something useful for a change.
I've got to ask though, who hasn't this guy pissed off yet ?


Active Member
i agree Obama isnt doing all what he said but no politician does but atlest its not a bush in office we probably already would be at war with Iran and North Korea costing us even more. I agree change has to come at state level to get something done at the federal level


Well-Known Member
but, he can't stand up alone against the masses of law enforcement and local officials who would have his head if he went directly against the usual policies..QUOTE]

Right.... because commander and cheif means...., what....
Typical....Circle the wagons they are coming after the Messiah...LOL

Fobama will go down in history as the worst prez EVER... point blank!
Has he kept 1 promise?, nope, he is clueless and full of himself


Well-Known Member
Obama can't do too much to affect change? Sad but true. Change cannot come from the Federal level as said before. It's has to happen in the local and state regions as the Feds only care about control and power. I think we are starting see a new push back effect that can only hurt our legal weed cause. Could Obama be waiting for the Republicans to legalize weed? If Obama says "no" then the Repubes say "yes"? Naw!?
What did you expect for a politian to tell the truth? If that was the case all we would hear is how nothing is going to change at all with the execpetion of our taxes will go up! health care will be fucked with again and they all have misteress and babys mamas hidden from the public. lol WE want jobs in the United States and as usual he touched that subject a bit and still unemployment is on avg from state to state 6% or more.
Its all Obamas fault. It couldnt possibly be that this was attached to a much larger bill that contained other legislation that needed to be passed. The problem is not Obama, the problem is the system. You guys should be upset that we have a system where you can piggy back a piece of legislation on to a bill that is irrelevant to the original legislation of the bill.

Damn simple minds.


Well-Known Member
Its all Obamas fault. It couldnt possibly be that this was attached to a much larger bill that contained other legislation that needed to be passed. The problem is not Obama, the problem is the system. You guys should be upset that we have a system where you can piggy back a piece of legislation on to a bill that is irrelevant to the original legislation of the bill.

Damn simple minds.

THE BUCK STOPS HERE....or at least that what he uttered a couple of weeks ago.
ALso look what Obama THE LIAR is doing for you now- Put THIS in your pipe and SMOKE IT, cause he just f$%%^! us ALL again...

Medical marijuana supporters say they are "outraged" over President Obama's re-appointment of Bush Administration holdover Michele Leonhart as chief of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

"The retention of this Bush-era holdover is a profound disappointment to all of us who hoped that Obama would bring meaningful change to Washington," lamented Dale Gieringer, director of California NORML (National Organization for the Reform of marijuana Laws).

Leonhart is to blame for having blocked the approval of a medical marijuana research garden requested by leading researcher Dr. Lyle Craker at the University of Massachusetts, overruling a decision by DEA administrative law judge Mary Ellen Bittner.

Leonhart's action effectively blocked the development of marijuana for FDA approval, since without licensed producers FDA development and approval are impossible.

"If there's one thing on which supporters and critics of medical marijuana agree, it's the need for FDA studies," Gieringer said.

"This appointment calls into question whether the administration has any desire to move towards FDA regulation or abandon the bankrupt policies of its predecessors."

California NORML is calling on the U.S. Senate to "reconsider" Leonhart's nomination in view of her damaging -- and ongoing -- opposition to medical marijuana research.

Man o' the green

Active Member
Its all Obamas fault. It couldnt possibly be that this was attached to a much larger bill that contained other legislation that needed to be passed. The problem is not Obama, the problem is the system. You guys should be upset that we have a system where you can piggy back a piece of legislation on to a bill that is irrelevant to the original legislation of the bill.

Damn simple minds.
It IS Obama's fault. He's responsible for the DEA and they are the ones asking for the money. If not them directly, someone else on his staff was responsible for it. Either way he IS responsible.

It is simply the money the white house is asking for in their budget. Not a simple "oversight" or problem with passing a bill ( yet )


Active Member
show me evidence of Obama actually even saying anything about legalizing marijuana during his campaign... I dont ever recall seeing him on TV saying anything about the legalization of marijuana. It just because a bunch of hippie democrat fucks made it up and it spread like wildfire... why would the Obama administration confirm or deny it if it was half the reason most idiots voted on him for? Oh and the other half was a flimsy ass stimulus check that didn't do jack shit but give away trillions to companys and in the end no one on the streets that loved and supported him like sheep got any viable boost for their financial situation. He was a sack of sh!t from the get go and full lies. He was from the beginning but everyone was riding the fuck Bush train and he's a republican and oh no so is the white guy who half of you cant name off the top of your head anyways because the media (ABC and CNN mostly) admited to being one sidded one their coverage. Thank that hypocrite Michael Moore for starting it with his dis proven Fahrenheit 9/11 "Bush conspiracy movie revolution" for starting it too!

FACT: The Obama Administration has done nothing to end any of the old Bush's "big brother" Patriot Act that he SLANDERED during his campaign and has actually ASKED FOR EXTENSIONS OF THE PATRIOT ACT!!! After he called it "A shoddy piece of legislation."
:clap:-That was your dumb ass for actually buying into him after he said it too! HA!

dont believe me its true!

if anything I should be concerned with saying that because just like with your evil George Bush he could use something like this to start a wire tap on my house and monitoring my internet usage... :fire:

:End of rant:

To end it on a good note lets smoke some buds and keep on growing that's what were all here for anyways right?:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Those of you saying that change can't come from Washington are right. We have 100 senators and 435 represenatives that can't ever agree on anything except giving themselves another pay raise, so don't bother expecting them to reach an agreement on MJ or other drug laws. The only way to really decriminalize MJ is through state ballot initiatives and other mechanisms that allow citizens to go around/over ride the politicians.

Man o' the green

Active Member
Those of you saying that change can't come from Washington are right.
I agree, taking apart a government program or regulation, once begun, is damn near impossible through our legislative branch.
It is much easier for the president to effect change. To my knowledge, there are two things that the executive can do, cannabis rescheduling, and control money to various anti-drug programs. Neither have been acted on. Changes here would signal a clear indication to all states about changing their laws, making it much easier to pass MMJ or other initiatives.


Active Member
but, he can't stand up alone against the masses of law enforcement and local officials who would have his head if he went directly against the usual policies..QUOTE]

Right.... because commander and cheif means...., what....
Typical....Circle the wagons they are coming after the Messiah...LOL

Fobama will go down in history as the worst prez EVER... point blank!
Has he kept 1 promise?, nope, he is clueless and full of himself

SECOND worst president ever.