Obama reverses his stance against state approved medical marijuana


Well-Known Member
Im not really surprised. Obama saying he would put a halt on raiding collectives and growers growing legally under state law and then later flipping on it, is pretty standard politics. Tell the public what they want to hear to get their vote (in obama's case he was trying to appeal to the younger crowd for votes), and then do what ever the hell they feel like once they get into office.


No way! Obama has backed out on another one of his promises. Surprise, surprise. So much for all that change people voted for. I think he put that change in his coin purse.


Well-Known Member
true that bro, just watch with the other dudes on here that love and will ask you for "proof" , "links" for your claims!!!

It aint nothing i think.. every so called pres has done it...

No way! Obama has backed out on another one of his promises. Surprise, surprise. So much for all that change people voted for. I think he put that change in his coin purse.


Well-Known Member
Medical mj here in Cali turned into big business and this is about control of commerce. $$$$$$$


Well-Known Member
someone should follow booths or oswalds or saddams example and hold a pres accountable for there lies.


Well-Known Member
So every asshole who tells me "I'm in Cali, I cant be touched". I've told em over and over again it doesnt matter, federally illegal regardless of what your president says!

I'm grateful to Obama, keeps prices high. Profit$


Well-Known Member
I did watch it, im just not a fan of selective information. You can take things that anyone says and only put up the parts that fit what you want people to know. Im not an obama fan, but I just don't trust youtube videos personally.