Obama makes rare campaign trail appearance, people leave early


Well-Known Member
So how exactly are people counted as "unemployed"? Do they contact employers and ask them how many people came in looking for work that week? Do they randomly call people and say "Are you looking for work?" Do they count the ads on Craigslist and then somehow see how many people respond to them. It seems like it would be rather difficult to figure out how many people are actively seeking employment.
nope, scientific polling makes it very easy to get it down to an accurate number within a small margin of error.


Well-Known Member
you want citation that scientific polling is accurate to a margin of error that depends on the number sampled?

I want to know how the number of unemployed people is tallied. "Scientific polling" doesn't really tell me much. Could you please explain what "Scientific polling" consists of? Thank you.


Well-Known Member
So how exactly are people counted as "unemployed"? Do they contact employers and ask them how many people came in looking for work that week? Do they randomly call people and say "Are you looking for work?" Do they count the ads on Craigslist and then somehow see how many people respond to them. It seems like it would be rather difficult to figure out how many people are actively seeking employment.

In case you missed it the first time. Even though you quoted it.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
When people are asked embarrassing questions, even if it's anonymous, they tend to lie and make themselves look anonymously better.


Well-Known Member
I know people who have recently been or are still "unemployed". I, as well as them, are unaware of them ever being "counted" by anyone. I'm very curious as to how this all works.


Well-Known Member
I want to know how the number of unemployed people is tallied. "Scientific polling" doesn't really tell me much. Could you please explain what "Scientific polling" consists of? Thank you.
scientific polling is polling done in a scientific way.


Well-Known Member
I grew up on a farm with my family. I have since gotten married and moved to the city. The farm is still in the family though, so you never know.
did you just get done growing up a year or so ago?

because you claimed to be living on that farm until about that time, you fat fucking sack of shit.