obama has taken less vacation in his entire presidency...


Well-Known Member
Is that actually you? Are you saying you didn't post that picture to this site?

Cant flim flam uncle zim zam
oh, so it's not snitching if the information is made publicly available on this site. got it.

i guess when you call me a snitch rat informat rapist, that's just your way to circumvent calling me a jew.

because we all know if you were actually interested in outing rats, you'd be all over NLXSK's case.

we all know you're just an anti-semite playing stalk the jew, echelon.


Well-Known Member
Wait, so now you are saying you did join? didn't join? I can't keep your lies straight, what exactly IS your story this week? Are you claiming you didn't stalk me Zimmerman?
Ginwilly you do realize that a Google on your name does lead to your info and some of the things you do. I knew you played poker by that. You also used the same avatar pic which lets one know it is you.

On another note do you gamble sports ? I tried poker and only seem to lose money, but college football betting works well for me. When in Vegas I do the poker or blackjack...did poker/blackjack online and it all seemed too rigged. Sports betting may be rigged as well, but you can always find some easy winners by doing your homework.
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Well-Known Member
Right, and just googling my name would be just a tad creepy. Joining sites so you could stalk me is criminal, posting my personal info here is just lowlife POS Zimmerman type personality deficit.

Do you see what you did as wrong? (just wondering if you know the difference, Adam Lanza doesn't think he did anything wrong either)
I don't know about that, If I joined Lexus-Nexus, I could find out everything. That makes me an investigator not a stalker.

And how is joining a site a criminal act? You have to prove intention and harm.

"You don't have internet privacy. Get over it."
Scott McNeily. Sun Microsystems. 1993


Well-Known Member
oh! youre so grown up and yet skin so thin . and no it wasnt only funny to me it is just plain funny. i make fun of everything its usually a good way to desensitize a subject . not you tho you have a permanent diaper rash
No one but you thinks it is funny and that makes you a sociopath.

You make fun of everything but you don't like it when I make fun of you.

Textbook sociopath.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about that, If I joined Lexus-Nexus, I could find out everything. That makes me an investigator not a stalker.

And how is joining a site a criminal act? You have to prove intention and harm.

"You don't have internet privacy. Get over it."
Scott McNeily. Sun Microsystems. 1993
The intention was to cause harm by posting personal info here. What other reason could he have for it?

I'm actually a little pleased the douchenozzle keeps denying wrongdoing when TOS were obviously violated. It exposes him for the type of person he is.

He wouldn't be honest enough to leave anyway. He probably has over 10 accounts he posts on here, he posts personal info about people, he lies about the most mundane things, he consistently violates TOS so why would anyone believe he'd follow a bet guideline?


Well-Known Member
Ginwilly you do realize that a Google on your name does lead to your info and some of the things you do. I knew you played poker by that. You also used the same avatar pic which lets one know it is you.

On another note do you gamble sports ? I tried poker and only seem to lose money, but college football betting works well for me. When in Vegas I do the poker or blackjack...did poker/blackjack online and it all seemed too rigged. Sports betting may be rigged as well, but you can always find some easy winners by doing your homework.
I made bank playing poker online when our country was free. That's info that's readily available. You can search poker databanks and see my winnings, i'm pretty proud of that. Not many profitable poker players and I made over six figures.

I'm not denying you can find out some things by googling, I'm just denying that's all he did. At the time he was fishing for stuff and posting it here, I was pissed enough to have done physical harm. Now I just want people to know who they are dealing with.

He still can't admit it's not cool to chase people around the internet posting personal info on an illegal activity forum. He's a sociopath pathological liar.

You know how it started? I mocked him for posting 4M jobs created thousands of times. I linked the stimulus website that showed less than 2M but hadn't been updated for months which was against their own law that stipulated it had to be. Now his story is that Bush cooked the numbers otherwise the stimulus would have worked as promised. He's a bit of an idiot.

I laughed at him for being such a hack, he stalked me around the internet and posted personal info here. Such a child.
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Well-Known Member
No one but you thinks it is funny and that makes you a sociopath.

You make fun of everything but you don't like it when I make fun of you.

Textbook sociopath.
poor poor you , you are psychotic and it seems as tho you've run out of meds . are you always stupid or is today a special occasion . all that you are you owe to your parents , send em a nickel and square up. you really do play the part of asshat very well.


Well-Known Member
The intention was to cause harm by posting personal info here. What other reason could he have for it?

I'm actually a little pleased the douchenozzle keeps denying wrongdoing when TOS were obviously violated. It exposes him for the type of person he is.

He wouldn't be honest enough to leave anyway. He probably has over 10 accounts he posts on here, he posts personal info about people, he lies about the most mundane things, he consistently violates TOS so why would anyone believe he'd follow a bet guideline?
then don't use the same name all over the internet dumb ass.