Obama commutes 330 drug sentences as final act


Well-Known Member
What a commendable man, he will be missed.


"In a last major act as president, Barack Obama cut short the sentences of 330 federal inmates convicted of drug crimes on Thursday, bringing his bid to correct what he's called a systematic injustice to a climactic close.

With his final offer of clemency, Obama brought his total number of commutations granted to 1,715, more than any other president in U.S. history, the White House said. During his presidency Obama ordered free 568 inmates who had been sentenced to life in prison".


Well-Known Member
Hundreds of thousands of victims to the drug war, and we are gonna praise him for saving a couple hundred at the last second. WTF was he waiting for?


Well-Known Member
What a commendable man, he will be missed.


"In a last major act as president, Barack Obama cut short the sentences of 330 federal inmates convicted of drug crimes on Thursday, bringing his bid to correct what he's called a systematic injustice to a climactic close.

With his final offer of clemency, Obama brought his total number of commutations granted to 1,715, more than any other president in U.S. history, the White House said. During his presidency Obama ordered free 568 inmates who had been sentenced to life in prison".
Good. Did he pardon @fdd2blk?


Well-Known Member
Can't even say anything nice when he does something good eh? That's weird.

Yeah, we can always count on spandy being an ass. You'll learn that there are several pea-brained rednecks who post here to make themselves feel superior. We allow it because it's therapeutic for their mental issues.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, we can always count on spandy being an ass. You'll learn that there are several pea-brained rednecks who post here to make themselves feel superior. We allow it because it's therapeutic for their mental issues.

This is like a free mental health service. I hope they appreciate it