nutrients help


Active Member
so i've been told that if i dont use any nutrients then my weed will turn out shitty..i found some plant food at my house the name is worn away so i cant read it but it says ultra pure. all purpose. concentrate.
liquid plant food 10-15-10
think i could use that?


Well-Known Member
I'm using a 10-15-10 liquid plant food myself and it seems to do the trick. I mix 1.25ml for every 2liters of filtered water. I have never had any "markings" on my leaves to note any deficiency in nutrients yet.


Well-Known Member
well atleast use something for flowering, like DNF BLOOM or Fox Farm TIGER BLOOM/BIG BLOOM, so you get some big chunky buds that shit wont work for flowering just groweth


Active Member
so.... 10.15.10 is good for growth but not flowering?
cause im trying to get mine to start budding now
would merical grow shit work?


Well-Known Member
Yeh Miracle Grow blows. Nutrients are the ONE thing you should spend cash on, even if the rest is shit you found in your garage. Try ordering some FoxFarm liquid nutrients, they are easy to use and give great results. Also their web site has a feeding schedule that is a big help for newbies. You want Tiger Bloom, Grow Big and Big Bloom. Big Bloom is more optional but gives your bud that organic taste, but if you want to save some cash you can do without.

FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Company

They seem a bit pricey in comparison to Miracle Grow, but its worth it. Oh and don't get their dry nutrients, you don't need them and they are pricey.


Well-Known Member
General Hydroponic's standard 3 part nutrient system is one the best and easiest ways to go. also comes with a feeding chart that works really well all the way into mid flower


Well-Known Member
hey there,try to drop the nitrogen(1st #)in your nut's during flowering.i use a fox farm nut that is 4-8-7 or the 1st month of flower and then go to a 0-8-8 to finish her off