Nutrient Variations


Is it good or bad to feed your plants a variety of fertilizers. Say 1 week use fish emulsion, next week use big bloom, next week use guano, next week use some other organic liquid fert.
In my experiences i have found the most life forms on earth do better with a balanced, versified, healthy diet. Does this go for the marijuana plant as well? I know i wouldn't like to eat the same thing all the time.
just a thought :confused:


Well-Known Member
Is it good or bad to feed your plants a variety of fertilizers. Say 1 week use fish emulsion, next week use big bloom, next week use guano, next week use some other organic liquid fert.
In my experiences i have found the most life forms on earth do better with a balanced, versified, healthy diet. Does this go for the marijuana plant as well? I know i wouldn't like to eat the same thing all the time.
just a thought :confused:
Depends on if the grower is checking the PH before they water. I can see the grow going south by the grower feeding his plant water that has a PH of 4.0, then the next feeding with another product that Ph is 7.5.

I stick with one type and go with it. Thats just me. Always adjust your ph. Even in Tap water.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Depends on if the grower is checking the PH before they water. I can see the grow going south by the grower feeding his plant water that has a PH of 4.0, then the next feeding with another product that Ph is 7.5.

I stick with one type and go with it. Thats just me. Always adjust your ph. Even in Tap water.
in vegging, your plant requires more N than P & K and the other way around during flowering.


Sorry but these are some horrible answers for the questions i asked. Im not asking about N P or K. This have nothing to do with Ph balance either.
Like guano and fish emulsion are both very high N ferts. I am asking if its a good idea to alternate food, or just stick with feeding them the same exact plant food every feeding?

Wtf is Hydrothrive? Plants thrive on a hydroponics set-up. But this is an outdoor operation. No tap water involved.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like you already know the answer you want.

Mix up any food you listed above. Then check the PH. Then mix up your other foods and check the PH.

What I said was depends if the grower is checking the PH. If he or she was not then they would be feeding there plant all types of food with Ph reading off the chart both up and down. This would not be good for the plant. (this is what you asked right?)

So feed it want you want but check your PH. Was this such horrible answers to your question.

Mr Dude

well im using the advance neutriant range for my ladys - however i have used miracle grow pour and feed at the begining of veg mode just to kick start them - seemed to work ok - now im getting ready for flowering im using advance nuetriants big bud ,hammerhead and ,overdrive ,as well as the 2 part formulation sensi bloom. I used nitrozyme also as foliar spray thruout veg mode - that stuff is very good - i recommend it! will use nitrozyme in future.
You may say wow your using alot for bloom - well i think if i put in the work im sure ill get the rewards.

I personaly dont think it matters if you mix the food - some feeds have more of one thing than the next, an example is big bud - if you read on most sites that sell this they come over like this is all you need - well big buds actually a flower enhancer - so it needs to use a base neut too so of course any pk neut that you use with big bud would obviously give sizable yealds , on the other hand - examine where this type of plant grows in the wild, and assume what it lives in - even tho im using alot of things this time round, i can always use it on other things - not just my tomatoes ;) and i dont need to use these together , im actually thinking of using a kelp based neut next time for my base neut , and doing away with sensi 2 part.


Didn't mean to offend in any way 5150. I do appreciate your response. I certainly understand what your saying about some ferts that throw your Ph all out of wack (MG is a good example). I guess this really isn't a valid question because nobody speaks marijuana plant, so who knows what kind of diversity they like to eat. We do know the cycles of growth and which nutes are needed in which stage of life.
Still not really what i asked 5150 because what plants eat and the Ph levels are 2 different things entirely. I was just asking because plants can eat alot more that just N P & K. Some ferts have several kinds of nitrates and acids and such. I was just trying to appeal to all my plants senses. Leave it wanting nothing, so they can just flourish.
I can't wait till another 20-30 years when growing is more of a known science. Mostly everything you read is theory and there is a million factors involved in every grow, from soil, to sun, to food, to organic/ non organic, to strain, to germing and rooting clones. Its just an endless amount of things you can do to your plants, but 50% of the time its theory. I need a sensae. A mr miyagi of herb growing, if you will.
I think when my girls flower im going to try different methods. Ive already topped half of them to see if that will produce a higher yeild. Im going to LST some plants, Lollipop some pants. Experiment and play is how you find what works best.
wow didnt mean to ramble. This damn bubblegum kush is enlighting haha. :smoke:


Well-Known Member
Im mixing Botanicare CNS 17 (synthetic and fairly cheap) for the main food supply with small additions of Botanicare Pro Blend Bloom (organic and sorta pricey) and doing a foliar spray of diluted compost tea with a smidgeon of Super Thrive combined with the Lollipopping technique. Best looking grow I have had so far. Genetics unknown but think they must be Indica dominant cause they don't tend to get real tall. So to help answer the question I think mxing and matching various plant foodstuffs is a great plan. None of the above mentioned products seem to vary the ph very much. Hope this helps.