Nutrient Runoff Question


Well-Known Member
I dnt know everything either but Ive learnd alot(even with all my knoledge my shit looks lil wacked sometime also I get claw early flower nomatter what
I do never realy off target at end of show though) I no I type how I talk most of time and its a lil riddley and stuff from talkin in code so long (understand) Im not worried bot any arguments (hell Im a clasic troll No??) I worry bout them other ones you know (that can cause me harm) I dnt even want to say...that paranoid
Ive lived by rules for long time and Im breaking one as I type .Ive read some crazy stories of how some found themselves in a 6x9 feel me??
Heavy sh!t bro but only advice is live your life and live hard, problems in early flower sound like your flipping to the bloom nutes too early or giving way too much Phosphorous, another known bad problem. Anyway keep it cool and see about that early flowering problem, i try not to exceed the nitrogen with the Phosphorous till about week 4/5 but thats just my opinion, still lots to learn but if you got two part nutes then you should be able to adjust and experiment for the plants liking. Peace

dp sux

New Member
Dude its been happining so long I dnt sweat it but I bump up slow 100 ppm every week of life and they look mint every time untill I see buttons.

I run total organic ebb trays in hydroton (with 20 additives and I never top out above 1100 ppm)my point only bein that you could be able to write books and still have your own mind boggling issues.(that claw aint dramatic its nuff to bother me though) especialy after seeing it over n over chems n diesles are bitchy lil
cunts and I need em for the edge I get with em understand (plus they make the stickest BHO and full melt)

And Im not even more then 800 ppms on 2 fters by then on actual transition ratio nutes
Boggles my mind every time,,The day I see less then to zippers off each I will (be mad and no longer just mind boggled ,,) but it aint happened yet!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yer bro, you might find the reason sooner or later and yes the mind boggles too much with this stuff, organic ebb and flow sounds hard but sounds like you got most of it down. Just made my first BHO the other day, half gram but was great stuff, meant to last a while but when you got somthing that pure is easy to feel the addiction and do it all in!lol!

Great talking with you all, 10 hours solid posting means i gota hit the hay (well i dont because i dont work but still somthing other than Rollitup for a while yer) Peace

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
Good info DPsux, raising PPM/EC in gradual increments, too fast and youll have lockouts and/orburning

props kingrow1 and dpsux, fine examples of ganja crusaders


New Member
for starters this guys returns were 5.0 i mentioned flushing reason i would bet his ppm in soil is in the 2000 prob so flushing with a good 6.8 till he got min 6.5 back i could guarntee he would still have a ppm of 800 in his runoff the op asked for a fix so i gave it to him lets not mess with fancy bullshit talk lets fix the problem first consider himself lucky if it was other way around his plants be burnt to fck with his ph in check
i bet if i was to ask op if his soil appears wet for longer periods of time his answer would be YES is the plant drinking anything NO there paralized there in a frozen state are the plants GReen i bet they are are they growing no there not secrets to growing is trying to maintain proper ph giving all elements of nutrients to the plant also adding humixes and fulvixes to help break down the protiens for better plant uptake heres some pics from a 3" clone to 55+ inch plants in 23 days of veg that my friends is proper feeding and ph
and now there on day 23 of flower

Oh i forgot to mention 8000 watts thats 1040000 lumens :))



Active Member
for starters this guys returns were 5.0 i mentioned flushing reason i would bet his ppm in soil is in the 2000 prob so flushing with a good 6.8 till he got min 6.5 back i could guarntee he would still have a ppm of 800 in his runoff the op asked for a fix so i gave it to him lets not mess with fancy bullshit talk lets fix the problem first consider himself lucky if it was other way around his plants be burnt to fck with his ph in check
i bet if i was to ask op if his soil appearsk wet for longer periods of time his answer would be YES is the plant drinking anything NO there paralized there in a frozen state are the plants GReen i bet they are are they growing no there not secrets to growing is trying to maintain proper ph giving all elements of nutrients to the plant also adding humixes and fulvixes to help break down the protiens for better plant uptake heres some pics from a 3" clone to 55+ inch plants in 23 days of veg that my friends is proper feeding and ph
and now there on day 23 of flower

Oh i forgot to mention 8000 watts thats 1040000 lumens :))
My soil doesn't appear wet long at all day and a half its dry an inch down
I have 270watts of 6500k. First lil closet grow for personal use


New Member
Jay that 1 " down or more is your closet taking it :)) as for humidity i would think i had this issue this summer had to plants green and seemed to stop growing in flowering phase as other plants took the food these couple drank but alot slower ( pots were heavy ) so i decided to flush
Wow i got 5.0 returns back i was like WTF never had this happen so i checked my runnoff ppm and low and behold it was over 2000
i kept flushing till i got returns of min 6.5 checked my ppm and it was 850 - 900 so i let them alone for like 2 days and they took right off
i was lucky cause if the ph was other way around high i would of burnt the hell out of them

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
for starters this guys returns were 5.0 i mentioned flushing reason i would bet his ppm in soil is in the 2000 prob so flushing with a good 6.8 till he got min 6.5 back i could guarntee he would still have a ppm of 800 in his runoff the op asked for a fix so i gave it to him lets not mess with fancy bullshit talk lets fix the problem first consider himself lucky if it was other way around his plants be burnt to fck with his ph in check
i bet if i was to ask op if his soil appears wet for longer periods of time his answer would be YES is the plant drinking anything NO there paralized there in a frozen state are the plants GReen i bet they are are they growing no there not secrets to growing is trying to maintain proper ph giving all elements of nutrients to the plant also adding humixes and fulvixes to help break down the protiens for better plant uptake heres some pics from a 3" clone to 55+ inch plants in 23 days of veg that my friends is proper feeding and ph
and now there on day 23 of flower

Oh i forgot to mention 8000 watts thats 1040000 lumens :))
Hey that is some great numbers dr, I'm beginning to heed your info.
Helps when you havnt smoked in a few hours. What mix/feeding is your friend in? That shit looks pro

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
As most soils are around 6.3 to 6.8 a true flush would be watered into the soil at approx 6.5. If runoff hits 6.5 then you can reat assured that without applying ferts a deficiency is round the corner.

Your right about getting the pH up to what you want but you also need to monitor the ppm of runoff too. Lets stop fooling ourselves as not overfeeding and adding the right amount of lime to the soil before planting means ZERO pH problems. Is that easy, pH goes down with ferts (Hydrogen ions to be exact and hydronium to be a science geek) and pH goes up with lime (Alkaline ions like calcium and magnesium).

Incedentally most ferts are made of NPK, Nitrogen is split into Ammonical and Nitrate Nitrogen, Ammoniacal is acidic to soil whereas Nitrate is alkaline to soil (only if the plant is healthy and eating because it swaps alkaline ions in the soil to uptake the Nitrate)
Phosphorous is acidic and Pottassium is alkaline. A good fertilizer should have the ability to buffer itself to some degree within these nutrients but an unhealthy plant dose not assimilate the Nitrate and hence its Alkaline value/charge is never released which may be the case that overfeeding lowers nutrient uptake and the ammoniacal nitrogen probably becomes more dominant over the alkaline ions hence low pH.
Again we see why P/K bloom boosters are typically the same values for the P and K, this seems to be so the alkaline Potassium can balance the acidic Phosphorous.

I am only htpothesising and there must be many other considerations to be made but all ferts ingredients seem either acidic ammonium based or alkaline Nitrate based. hence why Calcium Nitrate actually increases soil alkalinity not decreases it. Peace and grow hard
King you were saying something here, let's not kid ourselves about pH etc are you finished? It seems to me you just continued on with why and not 'what to do', did I miss?
Regards td


Active Member
Jay that 1 " down or more is your closet taking it :)) as for humidity i would think i had this issue this summer had to plants green and seemed to stop growing in flowering phase as other plants took the food these couple drank but alot slower ( pots were heavy ) so i decided to flush
Wow i got 5.0 returns back i was like WTF never had this happen so i checked my runnoff ppm and low and behold it was over 2000
i kept flushing till i got returns of min 6.5 checked my ppm and it was 850 - 900 so i let them alone for like 2 days and they took right off
i was lucky cause if the ph was other way around high i would of burnt the hell out of them
How do you personally go about flushing how much water do you use per plant she's about 8" tall. What Ph is the water when you flush