nutrient burn issue !!!!


New Member
Hi ive been having a nutrient burn problem during flower stage.
im using vitalink soil and nutrients. I have tried 1/2 dose in this routine.

nutrient - leave - water- leave (repeat)

still get burn. please help!!


Well-Known Member
Hi ive been having a nutrient burn problem during flower stage.
im using vitalink soil and nutrients. I have tried 1/2 dose in this routine.

nutrient - leave - water- leave (repeat)

still get burn. please help!!
Don't know the vitalink soil and you didn't post what stage you're at in the grow. Some strains can't handle too much, particularly early on. I'm in a grow with 2 strains, have never grown either strain so I don't have any history, in a custom soil mix which has high nutes (use 45% PRO-Mix, 50% triple mix, add sheep manure at about 5%). Started low feedings (Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow A&B) at 250 ppm at 8 days, both strains handled that well into the first feeding after transplanting them at about 3 weeks. As soon as I bumped the feedings to 375 ppm at around week 4, one strain handled it well and took off, the other (indica) showed ever so slight burn on a couple of leaf tips. And that's at 375 ppm!

My advice, if you're growing in soil, which has nutes in it as-is. Forget manufacturer recommendations, use ppm's as your measure, start very low (like 250 ppm), adjust up in low increments, watch the plants response before going up to the next level. Flush or at least water them a couple of times if they start showing nuts burn, then start back at the level they were happy. Once you now the strain and have run it, record what they liked and how they handled feedings for future reference.

Using manufacturer's recommendations, even 1/2 strength, you'll chance burning them. They're recommendations are of course self-serving and do not account for differences in strains etc. ppm's are ppm's and you can easily manage them/adjust as needed.



New Member
Don't know the vitalink soil and you didn't post what stage you're at in the grow. Some strains can't handle too much, particularly early on. I'm in a grow with 2 strains, have never grown either strain so I don't have any history, in a custom soil mix which has high nutes (use 45% PRO-Mix, 50% triple mix, add sheep manure at about 5%). Started low feedings (Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow A&B) at 250 ppm at 8 days, both strains handled that well into the first feeding after transplanting them at about 3 weeks. As soon as I bumped the feedings to 375 ppm at around week 4, one strain handled it well and took off, the other (indica) showed ever so slight burn on a couple of leaf tips. And that's at 375 ppm!

My advice, if you're growing in soil, which has nutes in it as-is. Forget manufacturer recommendations, use ppm's as your measure, start very low (like 250 ppm), adjust up in low increments, watch the plants response before going up to the next level. Flush or at least water them a couple of times if they start showing nuts burn, then start back at the level they were happy. Once you now the strain and have run it, record what they liked and how they handled feedings for future reference.

Using manufacturer's recommendations, even 1/2 strength, you'll chance burning them. They're recommendations are of course self-serving and do not account for differences in strains etc. ppm's are ppm's and you can easily manage them/adjust as needed.

thanks, Im at week 4 flower. ive never used ppm and don't no how to be honest, i have always measured my nutrients ml to ltrs. I will check it out or do you have a link for info. cheers steve


Well-Known Member
thanks, Im at week 4 flower. ive never used ppm and don't no how to be honest, i have always measured my nutrients ml to ltrs. I will check it out or do you have a link for info. cheers steve
You can download or use online calculators just google ppm per ml or something like that and you'll get apps, online calculators, downloadable calculators.

I just use the following reference using 1 litre, and adjust it for the container and ppm I want to obtain, that way I only have to remember one calculation and adjust it for the container or ppm level I want by dividing or multiplying it accordingly. Just don't read this after smoking a bowl and you should be good ;)

5 ml (one teaspoon) in 1 Litre (which equals 1000 ml) = 500 ppm

So for example if I want a 500 ppm solution using an 8 litre can I would calculate as follows:
5 (ml) x 8 (litres) = 40 ml to obtain 500 ppm in an 8 Litre watering can
2.5 (ml) x 8 (litres) = 20 ml to obtain 250 ppm in an 8 litre watering can

I don't use teaspoons as it's more difficult to be consistent, just used it for reference. I use a kids medication syringe (available at any drug store for like $2) that measures up to 10 ml per fill...


New Member
Thanks for your help much appreciated. I use those syringes myself. How do you know what you water ppm is or do you use ro water? My water is quite hard so ive just ordered a tds meter hopefully it will help towards ellinating the nute burn issue. Thanks again for all your info helped me heaps. Steve :-)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your help much appreciated. I use those syringes myself. How do you know what you water ppm is or do you use ro water? My water is quite hard so ive just ordered a tds meter hopefully it will help towards ellinating the nute burn issue. Thanks again for all your info helped me heaps. Steve :-)
I use a brita on-tap filter on my basement sink for all my water, after filtering it comes out with no significant ppm's of anything and around 6.0 ph after sitting for 24 hours (I always let my water sit for 24 hrs. minimum before using it, it warms it up a bit, it's too cold coming straight from the tap for my liking) so I don't worry about the base water, only measure the ppm's for any nutes. For the most part I've grown in just soil and don't like a lot of synthetic nutes in my grows. This round is actually the first one I'm adding any nutes, even then, my soil seems to be providing them with what they need so I'll be supplementing only, not depending on the synthetic nutes.


New Member
I use a brita on-tap filter on my basement sink for all my water, after filtering it comes out with no significant ppm's of anything and around 6.0 ph after sitting for 24 hours (I always let my water sit for 24 hrs. minimum before using it, it warms it up a bit, it's too cold coming straight from the tap for my liking) so I don't worry about the base water, only measure the ppm's for any nutes. For the most part I've grown in just soil and don't like a lot of synthetic nutes in my grows. This round is actually the first one I'm adding any nutes, even then, my soil seems to be providing them with what they need so I'll be supplementing only, not depending on the synthetic nutes.
Yes looking at the filter myself. My ph from the tap is 7.4 using nutes brings it to 6.8 then a little lemon juice to get it at 6.5. Currently I add 2ml/ltr base nute and 1ml/ltr bud boosting nute and still getting nute burn. My tds meter will be here tomorrow so ill check my ppm. Might change my brand of nutes and soiless mix. Again thanks for the advice, steve


New Member
hi just got my tds meter heres my findings.

tap water is pH 7.5 ppm 310
added bloom nutrient at 3ml/ltr pH 7.0 ppm 554
additive nutrient at 2ml/ltr pH 6.5 ppm 720

any advice would help me getting nute burn on my next girl
all the best steve.


Well-Known Member
at that rate you should'nt be burning anything bigger than 15" there. It's possible your nute burn is not a burn but lack of nutes or lack of calmag. you at 420ppm that's like clone formula up your total ppm with tap water to 1100 or so


New Member
at that rate you should'nt be burning anything bigger than 15" there. It's possible your nute burn is not a burn but lack of nutes or lack of calmag. you at 420ppm that's like clone formula up your total ppm with tap water to 1100 or so
thanks, to get to 1100 ppm will take a lot of nutes to water ratio. will they be ok because I was certain it was nute burn. my floweing plants are only 3ft tall (small cupboard grow room).

regards steve.


Well-Known Member
I use distilled water throughout my grow from walmart. I suspect my tap water is crap. I have never had a problem with always using distilled water from seedling to harvest. I use a kiddie syringe labled with ml. And mix according to ml. Nutrients to liters of water.