Nutes for flowering


Well-Known Member
can anyone tell me what they feel is a great nutrient for flowering and blooming.
i have my plants in pots and i can put a top dressing or use liquid nutrients.

is fish emulsion good for flowering?
I was thinking about bat guano too
and i heard that blood meal or bone meal isnt good for one of the growing stages bcause it breaks down really slow.

Has anyone used budswell either??

Can anyone clarify or help me out???
thanks +++rep


Well-Known Member
Look at the NPK values. A 1-3-2 is good for bloom.

Fish Emulsion can be used during flowering as an additive if you become nitrogen deficient.

Bat guano is good for flowering but I usually only use that when building soils. You could make a messy tea out of it if you wanted.