Nute Burn?


Active Member
I am having problems with two different plants, the problems both started after the last feeding so I guess I burned them?

Here is a leaf on the Orange Crush, is it nute burn? Should I just feed with pH water? It is in FF Light Warrior (doesn't have any nutes itself).

Here is the second plant, its a Skunk #1. It is also in FF Light Warrior (no nutes). Its drooping because I need to water it, I just haven't watered yet because I want to know if I should water with nutes or with pH water. I've got a picture of the plant and a picture of an affected leaf.


With both plants the problems are only visible on the lower leaves.
They were both fed with 2tbs Big Bloom, 1 tsp Grow Big. (This is less than the dose on the FF chart. Also you are supposed to give them Big Bloom, no its not just for flowering.) The Orange Crush is 5.5 weeks old and the Skunk #1 is 4.5 weeks old. I've got other plants that are 5.5 weeks old that got the exact same nute solution (two OG kush plants) and they are looking fantastic.

What should I do with them?

Thank you.


New Member
actually it looks more like a defiency i would give it more nutes missing something there
no you need veg nutes
as well some strains tend to want more nutrients then others but i can guarntee you its not a burn

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Check the lowest and oldest leaves, like the pod leaves and the single-bladed leaves. If it's nutrient burn then those will be burned to a crisp before the fan leaves get that bad. The first pic looks a little like Potassium def. Do the leaves feel thin and papery?

The all-over plant drooping is something else entirely. Probably either a heat or watering issue.


Well-Known Member
Color is wrong for and def like p or k. Leafs are turned in and curling like your ph is not stable, typical yellowing like nitrogen but is very similar to nute burn.


Active Member
They are getting veg nutes. Every time I post a thread that has something to do with Fox Farms, someone who doesn't know about FF always tells me that Big Bloom is for flowering. But its not.

So its a deficiency? The single blade leaves are dead.

The drooping isn't what I'm asking about, I know whats up with that. I'm just asking about the burn looking things on the leaves.

And to Mother's Finest yes the leaves on the Orange Crush feel papery.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner.

It's a tough call. The single-bladed & pod leaves dying on a mature plant is almost always from too much of something in the soil, usually fertilizer. However, papery leaves usually come from Potassium deficiency.

If you're sure about underwatering causing the drooping then of course don't worry about it. We just want to say how that sort of all-over drooping isn't commonly caused by too little water.