Nute burn. MiracleGrow HELP


Okay, before I begin, I just have to say that I'm a complete noob. This is my first grow. I figured If I'm gonna learn anything, I'm going to do it by experience, so I jumped right in with the soil.

I've learned a TON reading from here, and now I need your help.

I've been growing this little guy for a few weeks now. A friend of mine asked me what nutes I was using, and I said "none." Which isn't really true (we'll get to that later).

He gave me some MiracleGro houseplant food. He said to just put about 10 drops around the soil right before you water.

So I did that for a few waterings. Then I realized that I was using MiracleGro Potting Mix (feeds plants up to 3 months!) - Oh shit.

So when I returned to the house after 5 days away, the leaves were looking droopy with a little browning on the tips. I read around on here and thought it would be a good idea to "flush" the plant.

So I did that a few times.

Then I realized that everytime you water this soil, it releases nutrients! NOOOO!!!

Anyway, just trying to get an idea of what to do next. I'd love to see this little girl spring back to life.

I water about every 3-5 days. PH on my water is around 6. But my testing stripps are pretty shitty.

Here's a pic of the tree in question. The strain is AK-47



Well-Known Member
1st of all u do not drop strait fertilizxer in soil like that. it has to b mixed wit water first. 2ndly, wit MG soil u can veg for 4-5 weeks w/o nutes. from the pix she doesnt look that bad. jus dont fertilize her any more for a coupla weeks or if u can afford more soil u cood transplant but like i sayed she doesnt look that bad. jus

violator kush

Active Member
mmm tuff call, pray? because if u flush it more of the time release fert will come out, maybe transplant to no fert soil, but your really fuck, the transplant could kill it too


Active Member
do not water it until the soil is almost dry. keep the light much closer and have it on a 24 hours cycle for the rest of the veg. u probably wont see anything until 4-7 days. so be patient till then. no watering till you see improvement and the soil is almost dry.
bosson is absolutely right. Also pick yourself up a cheap moisture meter, and only water when it needs it. You can pick them up at a home depot for 8 to 10 bucks. That will also help with future overwatering. Next grow get some good soil, without any time release nutes, like others have said she really doesn't look that bad, she'll recover.


OK, I did the same thing with my current grow and have successfully fixed it, so I can probably help here. Here is a link to the thread:

Your primary concern should be that you have overwatered the plant. It looks like you used straight-up Miracle-Gro without any thing else like pearlite. I'm surprised you aren't getting yellowing or anything yet. The plant is drooping because its drowning.

You need to transplant ASAP. If you look at my thread, I ended up buying NORMAL potting soil with no additives (basically the cheapest you can get) and bags of pearlite. You can get them at home depot or whatever.

I used 30-35% pearlite, a little organic fertilizer, about 3-5% sand and the rest normal potting soil. You dont need the fertilizer or the sand but you NEED the pearlite. Buy a larger pot, and transplant. Make sure you water very well before removing the plant from its original pot so it comes out clean. If you don't know how to transplant, google it. Since your current soil is so dense, your new soil should be extremely airy. When you transplant, the miracle-gro soil will still hold a ton of moisture and fertilizer but the plant will now have room to grow roots where it won't suffocate.

After the transplant, dont do anything else for 5-7 days (including watering).

You should not need to use fertilizer at all until you start flowering (especially if you're using MG). and DONT put it directly on the soil. read the directions on the fertilizer.

I guarantee your plant will perk up in a week if you do it right.


Plant has sprung back to life. I think flushing it was the right idea... I'm going to take some clippings off of it tomorrow and transplant it to a larger pot next week. Gonna keep her as my mother in my little noob grow. Thanks for all your advice everyone.


Plant has sprung back to life. I think flushing it was the right idea... I'm going to take some clippings off of it tomorrow and transplant it to a larger pot next week. Gonna keep her as my mother in my little noob grow. Thanks for all your advice everyone.
Interesting that flushing worked. Just be sure to watch how much you water. That kind of soil will hold moisture at the bottom of the pot even though it may feel bone dry at the top.