Nute burn? Heat stress? Help! PICS


Well-Known Member
Well I was on here about a week ago and everyone said they seemed healthy, but it looks like the yellowing has gotten slightly worse. Growth hasn't changed much, but my plants are experiencing the following symptoms;

- Yellow tips
- Tips curling down
- Bent/creased leaves?

My setup is;

-100W CFL and 30W CFL
-70W HPS
-The lights and fan are on an 18/6 cycle. Water daily in the morning with rain water.
-Soil is mix of normal top soil, miracle grow, and perlite.

Any help would be appreciated! Here are the shots.

Thanks in advance! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Here look at this and see what you have. The MG is giving them slight nute burn and everytime you water them it releases more nutes. Why are you watering them everyday? Let it dry out until the leaves start to look droopy then give it a good watering. No nutes at all until flowering.


Well-Known Member
First of all I think you're overwatering. That's why the leaves are droopy. That pot you have it in is not ideal either because there is nowhere for the water to drain out of. When your roots sit in water they can rot, or they are being deprived of oxygen because they are drowning. If I were you I would consider possibly transplanting into a different pot. But more importantly, you might want to flush the soil. Miracle grow soil is not the best. I've used it and of course you can grow in it, but your plants might not be getting enough nutes, or what happens more often is that they are over-fertilized. The nutrients in MG soil is distributed via little liquid filled balls which are supposed to release nutrients by water wearing down the outside of it. But, let's say that the bag you bought was handled roughly or the one you got was the bag at the bottom of the pallet causing those little nutrient balls to burst. You then would have way more nutrients than most plants would need (especially if the plant is young). Plus they use chemical nutrients which are much more likely to cause nute burn. If fact, I'm not sure that organics can cause nute burn because the nutrients I use (Earth Juice) are organic and state right on the bottle that they won't cause nute burn, and that the excess is either used or drains out the bottom with the next watering. Next time pay a little more for the soil and you will be alot happier. How old is the plant by the way?


Well-Known Member
I usually stick my finger in the soil and if it feel dry I'll then pick up my pots and feel how heavy they are or aren't, and then I decide if I should water them or not. It's alot better to underwater than to overwater.


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for your info, everyone! I'm not using any nutes besides what's in the miracle grow.

I'm going to take your advice and watch how much I water them, and transplant them into different pots.

The plants are about a month and a week old. Thanks again, I really appreciate your help!