nute burn are they able to be saved 'pics'


Active Member
im a first time grower and a week ago i stupidly added nutes to my 2 week old clones and now 'see below' it look like some are on there last legs
should i have trimmed the dead leaf?????
and do you think these guys will make it i have flushed them twice now and are jst giving them straight 5.5 ph water about once daily as i live in australia as its very hot here at the moment.
Also the stems are very purple
pls help



Well-Known Member
they should be able to be saved man, wait till they are nearly completely dry and flush again. Keep them nice and humid, clones love humidity and water


Well-Known Member
well usually people say purple stems mean temps r too low, but i just cannot see that being the problem in australia right now!!