nugbuckets CFL grow, Diesel, DieselGum,Trinity


Well-Known Member
Flower photo study through the weeks......week 1, week 2, week 3, and week 4......really hoping for some serious bud swell in this next week, going to pump them up with a bit more nutes tomorrow then cross my fingers, feel like they are a bit behind. Realized I was feeding at 1/4 strength throughout so watering/mixing can was bigger than I thought....duh!


Well-Known Member
That would be the Trinity! she be real, real green! My Diesel crosses are always a bit lighter, and lose their green early....but not my baby, she is dark...


Well-Known Member
four and a half weeks.....they have responded to a heavy feeding of organic goodies, and the mass phase has begun....whoopie!


Those babies are getting PHAT meng!

Load em with those carbs so they get nice n plump, eff atkins! hehe :clap:



Well-Known Member
week five of flower, and they are starting to explode....and they are loving their organic yummies, and organic sucanat. (sugar)


Well-Known Member
before these last pics were added I removed a fair amount of fan leaves...pretty much anything covering any bud-site was hacked, I also added a little CO2 (yeast and sugar) system to the grow, added that a week ago, and I swear it is really helping out. The girls are all green still, with no yellowing leaves, I think my nutes are doing there job....lots of new pistils daily....really hoping for a mass explosion, and goo fest in the next two weeks....wish me luck! Peace...Nugs


Well-Known Member
I thought I was backing off since week one of flower, my nutes are a mix of tiger bloom (2-8-4), Big Bloom micros (.01-.3-.7), and peaceful valley liquid (1-5-5), a splash of kelp juice, dash of 0-7-0 budswell powder (guano), and a dash of Indonisian Guano powder(.5-12-.5), and a dash of sucanat.........all adding up to a average dose (every watering-every four days) .... (no signs of over or under feeding....but zero yellowing....too much N????


Well-Known Member
the flowers are really coming into their own, I couldn't help snapping a few shots of them just under six weeks.........a few main buds are getting pretty big!