Now this is a serious grow room!!!!


Well-Known Member
That was pretty fuckin' sweet... I love the secret passage to the cave. That shit was so legit. I bet he was caught because of all that wattage. DUDE! What if you fuckin' had a bunch of wind turbines and solar panels on your house and yard. I bet you could really get away with that then. You use your own power. Government can't monitor that shit! See... It always pays to think green.

Now to get my own secret 'bat cave'


Well-Known Member
I posted this a while back and have seen it quite a few times since then.......But yeah it was nice.


Well-Known Member
were did you read he was stealin wattage,i would think with that set up he had a cummins deasil geny.when did this story first hit the news.