now that its passed


Well-Known Member
No, the country lost this one. Make no mistake.

P.S. The census has already blown their budget. A tiny thing..... a tiny indicator in a long line of indicators. You'll see....yes you will.

Pure nonsense.

The govt. health care system will COMPLETELY sever the cost/need ratio from the citizen. It will have the exact opposite effect. Then you will get to rationing. Which is ALREADY happening right now in Medicare.
Rationing is happening just about every place that has govt. controlled healthcare. We're already broke as a nation. We think we can grow our economy out of this and it's simply not going to happen. Not with green jobs and more Wal-Marts. Our manufacturing jobs have left in droves and are still leaving. They aren't coming back. Printing more money will cause inflation so that option is out (or is it?). This is UNSUSTAINABLE!!!!:o


Active Member
No, the country lost this one. Make no mistake.

P.S. The census has already blown their budget. A tiny thing..... a tiny indicator in a long line of indicators. You'll see....yes you will.

Pure nonsense.

The govt. health care system will COMPLETELY sever the cost/need ratio from the citizen. It will have the exact opposite effect. Then you will get to rationing. Which is ALREADY happening right now in Medicare.
More like government regulated private insurance system, actually...

You keep repeating "government health care system" over and over again but it has nothing to do with reality. It's like talking to a cokehead at a party...


Well-Known Member
More like government regulated private insurance system, actually...

You keep repeating "government health care system" over and over again but it has nothing to do with reality. It's like talking to a cokehead at a party...
ROFL....... or talking to Gin Beck


Well-Known Member
More like government regulated private insurance system, actually...

You keep repeating "government health care system" over and over again but it has nothing to do with reality. It's like talking to a cokehead at a party...

Your fucked in the head to think it is something else...:dunce:


New Member
They have no ammo.... because as usual, they are on the wrong side of the issue economically.

Let me clue you in.... big insurance is behind this. Big Pharma is behind this.

Figure it out. you've been played...again.


Well-Known Member
so says the Cracker who thought Bush was a great POTUS....Teabbaggers your lies and fear tactics are not working...please try something new an idea:idea:


New Member
Keep inventing things....that's what you are good at.

It makes your take on health care much improved.... is that liberal logic?

You've been scammed. But of course the naive always are.


Well-Known Member
I was scammed into fighting a senseless and useless war....Health Care Reform actually helps me so I'm happy
1. Have a child in college when she gets out she can still stay on Mommy and Daddy's insurance...Works for me...One less thing she has to concern herself about whilst looking for her job with benefits ...
2. Have a friend who's child has a pre-existing-condition. Her concern was losing her job and losing that insurance and unable to take care of her child. Well thats one less worry she has..again works for me..should my list continue???? Yours is just telling us its not going to work ( something you might have heard a lot in your life )....Well sir change is can either get on board or move to ......COSTA RICA :eyesmoke:

I'm still trying to figure out what that Iraq war did for me ????? Dude your talk is getting old and lame and just like this Health Care Reform passing you will be proven wrong time and time again Sir Cracker. Oh yeah hows that "birther" thing working out for you ......proven wrong time and time again my friend.


Well-Known Member
Children raising children...I wondered where all the uninformed mooches came from. Now I know...


Well-Known Member
Children raising children...I wondered where all the uninformed mooches came from. Now I know...
Son I got more years in the service then you may have in life...I have paid more in life then you ever will...I would safely bet my life on the latter.... So what you know is less then what you thought :dunce:


Well-Known Member
Son I got more years in the service then you may have in life...I have paid more in life then you ever will...I would safely bet my life on the latter.... So what you know is less then what you thought :dunce:
Age is irrelevant. You're immature, and your posts prove it. Your daughter has a friend, not a father.:idea:


Well-Known Member
Age is irrelevant. You're immature, and your posts prove it. Your daughter has a friend, not a father.:idea:
My post are truth with a touch of sarcasm ( and sometimes a straight slap to the face )..can't stand the heat...move to Costa Rica...heard you got some friends about to go...


Well-Known Member
My post are truth with a touch of sarcasm ( and sometimes a straight slap to the face )..can't stand the heat...move to Costa Rica...heard you got some friends about to go...
I've heard wittier retorts from literal children. Not the figurative variety, of which you are one.


Well-Known Member
First I want to make clear I am not a Republican. I am a Conservative who believes in Liberty. The Republican Party frustrated me enough prior to 1996 after the broken promises of 1994.

However, what happened Sunday, March 21st, tears it.

And I am angry. But it is not the reactive, explosive, knee jerk reaction that Democrats claim to fear now.

No, it is a determined, seething, 'awakening of the sleeping giant' anger.

This is what they should actually be fearing.

The Progressive Democratic party must be driven from power in November.

Then they will know the true definition of the term 'Teabagging.'