Novice grower here, need some advice!!!


Active Member
I have 1 plant, it's about 2 1/2 months old and looks to be in need of some nutrients. The plant actually started budding but I stopped the budding by giving the plant much more light( it's also been tied down). So far the plant is completely organic, the soil it is in came from a compost hepe. Here are a few of my problems.....

- Some leaves are turning yellow (mainly older ones)
- Tips of the leaves are curling.
- I have 2 earthworms in the soil, will nutrients hurt the little dudes???

So basically my question is what kind of nutrients should i get for this plant? I know absolutely nothing so please feel free to lecture me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
If your plant is 2-1/2 months old and you have not fed it yet, you have accomplished what NO OTHER noob has accomplished in the history of growing! LOL! I'm proud of ya. It's time to flower now, so what I use is "Jack's Classic" fertilizer. I'm sure you're gonna have a bunch of ppl chiming in now to tell you to buy "Tiger Bloom" and the likes, but I find that stuff hard to find and VERY expensive. I'm sure it works great, but so does "Jacks Classic" and it can be found at any garden center and it's fairly inexpensive. Different strains react differently to ferts, especially since it's never been fed yet, so go easy at first until you see how your plant likes food. 1/2 the recommended dosage to start with.


Well-Known Member
hey man if you dont want to use nutes you dont have to... it will yield you more but you havnt used any yet so why start? just go with what your doing. maybe trim some of the more dead looking leaves. put it on a 12 hour light 12 hour dark schedual right away, its ready to flower. just go nute free man. its better than shocking your plant to death with an influx of nutrients that it hasnt been built up to. the earthworms are your nutes man!!!