nothing to really do w. growing.


Well-Known Member
i have a law question for those MA folks.

ok: my parents have a legal "no trespassing" order on some one name blah.

my question is... am I... me, allowed to talk/communicate or chill w. this "blah" character outside of the "no trespassing" zone or w/e. OR is that violation of the order like it's a restraining order.... where if i had a restraining order i could not talk to that person or the restraining order would be dropped.

am i allowed to exchange words with this ass hole?

does that make sense?


Well-Known Member
if its only a no tresspassing order..which i really have never heard of and im from MA, and its not a restraining order than you should be fine. A no tresspassing order sounds like it would just be to keep this one person off of your property not out of your life.


Well-Known Member
Your parents should have a copy of the order. Why not ask them if you can read it. The legal mumbo jumbo won't be that hard to decipher.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
If you are 18 then your parents no trespassing order should not affect you in any way... including speaking to the person as long as they aren't on your parents property.

poo taco

Active Member
Your parents have a good reason why they don't want you to fuck with "blah" weather you get it or not and you should probably not take "blah" too seriously because your parents will pay for your college and offer you a good life outside of the orbit that "blah" rolls in....

I'm a toker telling you smart..there's more to life then toking...

10 years from now you'll thank your parents when your not living in their basement. Instead you will be successful, with a sexy chick that digs ambitious dudes and cock...and of course smokin' the finest green...


Well-Known Member
.... no i dont like the dude... would like to push him off a cliff if u know what i'm sayin. i want to know if i talk shit to him or something dumb or if i ran into him and exchanged a few words with the ass hole ... if it would effect anything w. the no tresspassing order.

they came to my house in the middle of the night when i was banging my girl and yelled into my window.... it was his ex i was banging.... :-) we are still together and i'm sick of the annoying fone calls and shit i still recieve. it's all about to come to a head.


Well-Known Member
looooooool. tell him to stfu and dont speak to him then. best thing to do is to keep away from him and not to make contact


Well-Known Member
...sounds good to me ... i proly should ignore him though - i just wanted to know though if i did get a little bent outta shape sometime, if there would b any consequences in that reguards...

thanks guys


Well-Known Member
I could be wrong but most of the time I think they let you know that if you have a no tresspassing (or restraining order) on someone that you also have to avoid coming within the certain distance of that person. Meaning if you have a restraining order on someone and you happen to go to a resturaunt and see the person there, I THINK you are supposed to leave. I could be wrong though


Well-Known Member
yes, i believe that is the case with a RESTRAINING ORDER... but MY PARENTS have a no tresspassing order, and i live w. them - i am 18