not sure what the problem is?

im a first time grower and i have a plant about a month old now and its starting to fall sideways and the bottom leaves are starting to turn yellowish. any ideas of what might be the problem??


Well-Known Member didnt post any pics, or give any REAL info,lol....but fuck the top of my head...maybe needs to be repotted? have you fed it? info info info, help us help you!
she was growing fine until i checked her out today and she was almost fully sideways/growing lopsided and the bottom leaves are starting to discolor if u can see in the pic its turning yellow. i added more soil just to hold it up and give it a little support.

i havent been giving it nutrients though considering I'm a new grower and just kinda wingin' it. any recommendations on some good products to feed it??


Well-Known Member
she was growing fine until i checked her out today and she was almost fully sideways/growing lopsided and the bottom leaves are starting to discolor if u can see in the pic its turning yellow. i added more soil just to hold it up and give it a little support.

i havent been giving it nutrients though considering I'm a new grower and just kinda wingin' it. any recommendations on some good products to feed it??
cant say for sure the problem, but the plant dont look bad bro...IMO, repot it asap...and it looks to be streaching and twisting lookin for the light, what kinda light u using> CFL? if so, get the light closer...and honestly i have been using FoxFarm FOREVER, they are legit, cheap, and easy to use, what more could you ask for? give em a go i say
im using a 150watt HPS, and when i checked her today she straightened up to normal. but the bottom leaves are still discolored, but she definatly looks better than she did yesterday, im thinking i wasn't giving her enough water because i gave her a drink and she stood right back up. but thanks for the tips they are appreciated. :)