Not so stealth wardrobe - In construction, build it with me!


Hello guys, happy to be back here.

I'm from Brazil, growing since 2017, already tried coco coir, organic soil and most recently went with Remo's Nutrients, my next will be with Tropikali System Soil, a soil specially made for Cannabis made with passion from a well know guy here in São Paulo.

I have to confess that I'm not so dedicated as I would be with my plants, often I go crazy and spend days in music festivais and forget about them, BUT for the 19730923 time I promisse, this time I'll be more responsable with my ladies.

Pics from my last setup and harvest

Untitled2.png Untitled3.png SAM_6177.JPG

I'm changing this setup, will be bigger and more bright!

Pics from actual setup and my shamefull cicle, this time I really didn't gave a fuck.

WhatsApp Image 2019-03-21 at 20.33.35.jpeg
Detail, this little kid is in my bedroom on my small apartment, I really need to be odor proff otherwise the smell goes till the hall.

WhatsApp Image 2019-03-21 at 20.33.35 (1).jpeg veg chamber
WhatsApp Image 2019-03-21 at 20.33.34 (2).jpeg doors to heaven <3

WhatsApp Image 2019-03-21 at 20.33.34.jpeg My shamefull cicle =/

That is it guys, next week I'll buy the soil and will go after some seeds, here in brazil isn't so easy to get good seeds at a reasonable price =/

On my next post I'll give more details about the dimensions and future plans.

Cya guys!