Not rly a Problem, but how do they look?


Well-Known Member
Hi, except S1=Skunk1 (was started later) they r all bagseed and I started wet paper Cup method around Sept 21., #4 germinated fastest, so its about 13-14days old. My first attempt went south. I think it was the soil, now its "biobizz light mix" and i have not fed them except water. How do they look? When will i have to use biobizz "grow" or put them into allmix soil? Can you see first signs of any defiencys? I lowered the lights, do now the node distances look better or does it still Need to get lower (sprouted in sunlight)?



Well-Known Member
First of all, looks good overall! Not over fed or over watered. Yes, there's a lot of space between the nodes. You're going to need a bigger pot, so when you replant you can bury the stems a bit. There's a sticky on that somewhere.

IMHO in another week you can start feeding the bigger ones at 1/4 strength nutes. They don't look like they need anything now. And when you do start, leave the smaller one alone for an extra week or so -- it needs more time as its root system is less developed.


Active Member
Keep going like that ! Take it out of the pot and see if any roots are shown (a picture would be great please)
If the roots are consistent in the bottom, change it to a bigger pot !! Good Luck !


Well-Known Member
thx, both of you. I just watered them today, i think putting them out of the ("heavy") pot is not such a good idea then, right? They were in jiffy pots (like coco pellets) and r only now for 9 days in that soil. edit: I put the plants on a Little Podest now so they r closer to the light. I hope its not too Close...Argz i should have kept some sort of Journal of what i did. e.g. i put the light as low as possible, but i dont know when -before or after that Little one streched so far. I mean, the latest grow in node distance on the plants Looks ok to me (but im newb), or is it still too much distance?


Well-Known Member
I read to wether go for topping or fiming or lst. From what i gathered and my inexperience i wanted to go with lst.
This is my attempt.
Does it look about right if not, what to improve?

