Not Enough Nitrogen?


Well-Known Member
Here's a great chart for you to go off of regarding nutrient availability vs lock out.


Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Use chlorine/chloramine free PH'd water, 1/4 strength nutes, and 5ml per gallon Cal-Mag each watering and you'll never go wrong.


Well-Known Member
good luck bro.... I think you'll be alright, and just make sure not to overfeed them, start light and work your way up or you'll be on here blaming us lol


Well-Known Member
Just put some 1/4 strength Miracle-Gro on them. Don't overthink this shit or you'll end up with more problems than you started with.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Just put some 1/4 strength Miracle-Gro on them. Don't overthink this shit or you'll end up with more problems than you started with.
i hit mine full on with my feed when plants are of good size.. by mygirls LOL


Well-Known Member
I have just about the same problem on three outa six plants. coco with pearlite. I feed everyday with 2 liter gift using cana coco A&B. Find it hard to believe it's nitrogen but it's easy enough to find out. Nitrogen will green up a plnt just about overnight so I'm giving it a try. btw, that advice is what I read everywhere so I think it's solid advice.
Nice to get yet another opinion though. Thanks for the help