Northern Lights Flower Time?

So with 1000 hps on a mover, hydro, good ventilation, perfect temps all things good, How long does NL take to finish?? From either start of 12/12 or from first flowers appearing? Anyone done em before let me know what to expect.. Thanks.


Roseman's doing a closet grow on here and according to him he should harvest from start to finish in 90 days I don't think the lighting setup and perfect temps etc. will overide the plants genetics he veg's for a month or longer but not much then the remaining 60 days or so is bloom time.


I've heard two to three weeks before you see flowers, I've heard that you can jump start them into bloom by keeping them in the dark for 24 hours as soon as you move them to your bloom area, then go to 12/12 till finish it's supposed to kick the process into gear quicker.
But I've never tried it.