Northern Lights CFL grow/Have some questions/all input welcome.


Hello i posted this thread in the wrong forum but i have it in the right place now!:hump:
first off hers what im working with

Grow area-2Ft Wide,2feet deep,4.5 feet tall

lights 3x 40W-100W Equivalent 2700K
lights 3x 13W-60W Equivalent 6500K

fan-a small heater fan from crappy tire for 10$ has both fan and heat on separate settings so i can turn off heat part

soil-MG seedling starting soil i know alot of ppl here dont like MG but so far i can swear by it Ph at 6.0 and excellent for seedlings and no time released nuts rly very lil of anything like 1.5N,2.0P,2.0K i may be wrong on these numbers buts its rly low is my point

Water-Plain old tap water let stand for at least 24 hrs

Nuts-Plant Prod brand 20-20-20 all purpose Fertilizer for indoor plants 1 tsp mixed per gallon of water as per directions 6 oz of this solution every Friday

right now i am in 5th week flower and 3 clones coming along nicely.


when do i see the tricomes or frosty bud appearance?
and how much longer do you think she needs to flower?
(seeing about 10% brown pistils already)
and a rough estimate of final weight?

Vegging 5 weeks
photo 3.jpgphoto 1.jpg

Now in end of 5th week flowering


Before anyone says it i dont have the money for HPS lamp and its emergency blanket from walmart on the walls not tinfoil


Hey man, this reminds me a lot of my grow set up. I am glad to see how well NL plants grow on the CFLS. I use an emergency blanket too, havent had any troubles. From what i remember you should be at 30-50% brown pistols when u pick. Also Ive read a lot on here about ppl using pocket microscopes to check trics, probably worth looking into. Looks great though!


Well-Known Member
Just picked up 60-100x scope w/LED light and I can deffinetly say I can tell what the high is gonna be like by lookin before I toke and it will deft help when it come to harvest I can already see the start of tric on my 2 week into flower plants

Overall your grow looks like it's doing really good it's amazing what u can accomplish with a few cfl bulbs I would suggest upgrade those 13w for 23w I used 13w last grow and I got some 23's and they put out way more but +rep for the NL my fav


Just picked up 60-100x scope w/LED light and I can deffinetly say I can tell what the high is gonna be like by lookin before I toke and it will deft help when it come to harvest I can already see the start of tric on my 2 week into flower plants
That sounds awesome, you have definitely peaked my curiosity. How much did a scope like that run you? Im half way through construction and trying to look at budgeting things down the road. I find microscopes from 5 - 5,000$, what range should be i Looking in?


Well-Known Member
The scope cost me $17 dollars it's not the most advanced thing in the world but I works perfect for me I can see trichs like they show in grow book u know where u can see the whole mushroom head and the color and even lil bubble looking things inside the head also let's me check to see premature flowering way before it would be visible to the naked eye therefore letting me clean out the males a week before I can tell using my eyes anyway I'm Gettin a 400 hps in a week or so and I'm gonna do a comparison between my 400 watts of cfl and the hps with clones from the same mother just to know the difference between cfl and hps myself and im guessing it will help but I don't think it will do that much considering I can place my cfls all over and around my plant well see though

Rob I know it's kinda late but I would get some higher phosphorous nute for ur flowers I think u will get a lot more buds for less home depot and other retail store sell some ok nutes u might wanna check some out I have some stuff called green light super bloom and I use 1/3 a teaspoon per gallon to achieve better yields in th last couple weeks of flowering just trying to help that's why this websites here

Thanks check my grow if u like


thanks for the advice guys i will be shure to update before i harvest
Which will hopefully be soon i am now seeing 30% brown pistils and she is starting to frost up FINALLY!


photo 322 (1).JPGphoto 322 (3).JPGphoto 322 (2).JPG
Here are my week 6 updates buds swelling, gettin alot of brown pistils, and finally some trics on the bud just not the leafs.

So i have a quick question is that normal to have some trics on the bud but not the leafs?