northeast outdoor 2014


Well-Known Member
not to hijack but I have 2 ladies going and there about half the size of yours northeast I got em in holes in the ground about 3ft wide and 3ft deep with a mixture of mostly used mg crappy soil I used on the last indoor grow and some had been sitting out since winter I mixed in alil lime and stove ash yet they appear very small.

Im using 2 clones I put em out in may one a week or more later. The first plant I dident put anything down for the slugs I just left it and came back put the second one in the ground and while doing that I used some sluggo one both plants I come back a week later and check and the one planted later appears to be growing way better and the first one is looking yellowish and brown missing peaces on the bottom so I figured because I dident treat the area of the first plant right away the slugs attacked it more.

either way I came back a couple weeks later and put some corn meal in a soda bottle and sprinkled some more sluggo on the top of the soil haven't really watered them much just once in the beginning to help take root figured the area is damp enough and humidity and clay like soil all around idk what is going on but I wish mine looked as big as yours I mean with mine the slugs appear to be attacking em no stop the sluggo might be slowing them down alil but they are still around


Well-Known Member
Had to move a few of my outdoor girls. I had planted them in the ground in a wet-ish area. They looked like they were drowning. Hows all this rain treating you?


Well-Known Member
Had to move a few of my outdoor girls. I had planted them in the ground in a wet-ish area. They looked like they were drowning. Hows all this rain treating you?
Don't worry get to know your grow area it can change from year to area can see 3 ft plus of water in spring flooding.they are all in pots of some sort,this rain is good for them and location .I don't have to water this week,:)

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
you are a blending master, that one in the last pic is always hard for me to see. Looking good, especially that one about to grow through the 2 big limbs. is it about to touch or is that an optical illusion?


Well-Known Member
Bud,there is two growing thru the fallen trees.different angle,same plants from big pic on the 12th ,there are growing in between the branches.most are hidden well some no so.some you would have to real close to see the pots .


Well-Known Member
Thanks getaway,the swamps are definitely a challenge,but then it would be to easy
the rippers i know about wouldn't ever even try to go trammping around in a swamp if they hear about someone showing their plants off they go after them but the swamps are scarry when ya don't know who is in them and what they will do if they catch ya sorry ass in there lol.. awful easy digging hahaha