NorthEast Growing Questions

Hi- First time growing- and loving every minute of it!!
How much longer do i need to let my female plant grow? How tolerant are they to the cold- what will cold do? Im not sure how to handle NorthEast growing conditions.
any help is appreciated!!



Active Member
Hi- First time growing- and loving every minute of it!!
How much longer do i need to let my female plant grow? How tolerant are they to the cold- what will cold do? Im not sure how to handle NorthEast growing conditions.
any help is appreciated!!

It is my first time outdoor in the northeast as well, but what I have heard rule of thumb is you should harvest after the first frost.

I dont believe the roots can handle temps as low as that for long periods of time.

Your plants or plant looks great but I would wait at least a few weeks to harvest, wait until more of your fan leaves turn yellow, so your plant uses all of its available nutes.


Well-Known Member
let her go as looooooong as you can. the chill will turn her blue.
I'm trying to go untill october 12th. maybe longer if I can.
tho I have a girl that will be ready in about two or three weeks.
I looks like your about 3-4 weeks in, and 9 weeks prime, if not longer.



Well-Known Member
If that's what they look like now, you didn't put them outside soon enough. How far north are you? You may only have a couple of weeks if that. I 'm middle east coast, and we have about another month or so at best.


Well-Known Member
You could have 6-8 weeks left there looks like a late entry but any entry is well worth it watch for mold and let her go as long as you can last year i had plants that survived two frosts just monitor that ho and youll have a nice reward


Well-Known Member
i think that he is sayin that if they are left out after a frost they turn colors.
i heard that before but never left any out to see.