North Carolina outdoor 2009


Well-Known Member
Have any of you guys heard of SYN Glass?

I hust picked up one of their water pipes and I hear the company is from Raleigh. It is really nice quality and think it's cool to support local :)

They don't have a website but tons of pics on myspace and facebook, check em out!


Well-Known Member
very nice sub. How tall is she?

Watered and fed tonight. Low dose of veg nutes for the TW and super skunk clones. The Afghan and Trainwreck are still getting water and molasses for now.

Some pics.

she's about 2.5 ft. I'm really hoping she takes off a bit, but last time I was out there I timed the sun and i'm only getting 4.5 hrs of direct light. :-?

your shit is looking good man.


Hey guys, 45 min south of charlotte and a complete noob of this stuff. I had three plants going really good and then they went without water for too long ( vacation) andI lost my best one and the other two sustainsed some damage. I have them greened back up and have a question.

#1 I have the plants growing in my back yard, lots of direct sunlight. How can I get them to start flowering? Do I have to wait till October. These things are getting Tall and hard to hide from the neigbors. It would be nice to get them flowering. I will take a few pics of them, One is prolly four feet tall with almost no leaves for the first 3.5 ft. The second is nice and bushy.

Got some more seeds germing in the mean while.

I look forward to hearing from you guys.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, 45 min south of charlotte and a complete noob of this stuff. I had three plants going really good and then they went without water for too long ( vacation) andI lost my best one and the other two sustainsed some damage. I have them greened back up and have a question.

#1 I have the plants growing in my back yard, lots of direct sunlight. How can I get them to start flowering? Do I have to wait till October. These things are getting Tall and hard to hide from the neigbors. It would be nice to get them flowering. I will take a few pics of them, One is prolly four feet tall with almost no leaves for the first 3.5 ft. The second is nice and bushy.

Got some more seeds germing in the mean while.

I look forward to hearing from you guys.
Very late in the season to be germinating seeds for outdoor growing.


I would still like to know about the flowering process for outdorrs. Do i wait on mother nature or is there something else I can do


Well-Known Member
I would still like to know about the flowering process for outdorrs. Do i wait on mother nature or is there something else I can do
The only thing you can do is wait on mother nature!

The outdoors are in COMPLETE control of your plants. Unless you grew them in a container.

It's fun to actually plant them though :)


Well-Known Member
I would still like to know about the flowering process for outdorrs. Do i wait on mother nature or is there something else I can do
Lots of posts on people supposedly using black plastic bags, garbage cans and other paraphernalia to cover them (I'd assume small plants), manually moving them indoors/outdoors (again, not what I'd think of as a lot of potential bud), all to put them into a 12/12 flowering stage.

I always prefer mother nature's route, otherwise I'd grow indoors.


Well-Known Member
Went out and saw my Vortex today. It's in the best spot, biggest hole, and most direct light. Only could put one there and decided on the V. Glad I did; as of today she's taller than I am.

If I haven't posted it yet, final M/F count is 1 male to 10 females. Gotta love TGA gear.

The Male is an Agent Orange and I'm keeping him around (not literally) to cross w/ a female or two. Plan on making AO f2s but I'd take some input on what else to put his ass to. Vortex, Jack the Ripper, JillyBean, and Querkle are the options. Thanks ya'll.


Well-Known Member
I think all of NC is around 4/24.

I was able to get some plants out even before that this year but last year the ones planted early died because of a late frost.


Thanks for the info guys. It stinks i lost my best plant but oh well. I have two left, I pray that one of them will be female :-)

If I were to put a seedling in now, is it pointless or is there a possibility i could get some bud off of it although a small amount. I am trying this all out just to see how it works so I can plan a bigger planting next year. Great site, thanks again fellas,


Well-Known Member
Yup...needed it bad too.

Had my wisdom teeth cut out on tuesday and haven't felt like doing shit but eating percocets and taking shotguns up the nose. Took one trip to see one plant but I sure as hell ain't packing no water.

If I can keep this shit from dry-socketing out I should be back on the ball within a week.


Well-Known Member
Depending on the strain, you could plant outside now.

I planted 2 Church plants outdoors and they are already starting to flower, so I germinated 4 more and I am going to put them out next week.

I would however not reccommend putting a Sativa outdoors this late because there is just No Way that it will be ready in time. But you never know, sometimes plants just find a way to make it happen :)