noob question

Lowercase b

Active Member
I planted a germinated seed about 5-6 days ago, it sprouted up but it still has the outer casing of the see still on it. Would it hurt if i pulled the casing off?


Well-Known Member
Yes, let it fall off naturally. If you remove the casing yourself (I have done it) The plant in question grew rather mutated. Let it unhat itself.


Active Member
Hi, must admitt I had this problem, 6 of my 10 seeds 'cracked' no problem, as I germinated in rockwool I originally thought (my first grow) they hadnt germinated but 7 days after the others had sprouted curiosity got the better of me and I investigated very carefully with a steralised scalpel into the rockwool. 3 of the remaining seeds had cracked but appeared to be 'stuck' so I very, very carefully knocked of the casing. Those seedling are now doing fine if only 5-6 days behind the other six.

I am a nood but my experience as long as your very careful and sterilise what ever your using it was cool with me

cheers bill


Active Member
will it die if the leaves can't come out
Yes, I've had it happen to me twice. In my opinion, whatever you do for your plants saves them alot of time, so I always help the seeds off. I've started grows the same day as some other members (germed seeds) and have been up to a week ahead by the third week, is it because I helped the seeds off? Maybe, our setups were almost identical.

I take tweezers and rub them down with alcohol then I pinch them together and wedge it between the two cresents of the shell then I use the spring action pull them apart. If you're good with your hands they should be unharmed but if not let nature take it's course. Cheers