Noob Question - Drying Colas Whole or Broken Down?


Well-Known Member
Is there any advantage to drying the main cola whole? based on common sense only (and I barely have any of that :mrgreen:) vs a lot of experience, wouldnt the bud dry out faster and more evenly if it were trimmed down into smaller buds. Do you gain or lose anything (i.e potency, flavor, appearance, etc) by leaving it whole. Thanks!

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Is there any advantage to drying the main cola whole? based on common sense only (and I barely have any of that :mrgreen:) vs a lot of experience, wouldnt the bud dry out faster and more evenly if it were trimmed down into smaller buds. Do you gain or lose anything (i.e potency, flavor, appearance, etc) by leaving it whole. Thanks!
It's gonna dry the same no matter what. I would leave it whole and give it a proper drying AND cure.


Well-Known Member
yea i cant argue with that, they do look sick when they're trimmed perfectly and huge! Thanks for the replies
i would have to disagree i find my small buds dry much faster. i dont know what this means as far as potency and taste goes. will a bud have better flavor if it drys slower? iv heard that you should keep the buds at grow room temps while drying so they stay alive a lil longer and use up remaining chlorophyll, maby letting them dry slower also helps... :confused:

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
i find my small buds dry much faster
Very true, but you hear people knockin' on "popcorn buds" and the like... Frankly if it's good weed, I don't give a fuck about popcorn buds so long as they haven't been sodomized by Orville Redenbacher. Pack that bowl and flame on.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
I think it all depends on if your keeping all that wonderful weed for yourself or not. if your keeping it then if it doesnt bother you cut em up small (or cut half that way and the others leave and see what drys quickest) but if your not keeping it all then leave em whole cuz youll only have the uneducated gripping about "popcorn buds" when they don't realize there staring at a bag of the best stuff around.