noob grow...72 days from seed how do we look?


heres 4 ladies, 2 aks and 2 white widows... approximately 72 days from seed. they are about 26" tall from the bottom stem to the canopy. i did some LST training and fimm'd there tops many times...also cut the bottom third of each plant completely since i don't want fluffy buds. Thinking of giving them a few more weeks to recover from their haircuts and then I might throw them into flower. What do you guys think? Will it produce a decent yield ? Did I cut off too much? Should I give them more time? Advice/critique welcome

I was going to make this a SCROG but I didn't have time to build a screen and they might get too big before then so I'm hoping the LST I did will pay off.



Well-Known Member
Cutting the bottom third does not prevent airy buds. Lots of light does. I'll post pics in a few as soon as the trichs change more showing how that myth is a bunch of hooey. I'll be smoking those "unbuds" while many are looking to buy at Christmas. You almost did a great job. Next time don't trim them that way and it will increase your overall yield.


ok but i only have a 400w hps right now so i cant get very good light penetration in that bottom area... you think it was still a bad idea?

i forgot to add that my plants are in 3 gal pots, i'm hoping they dont get rootbound before i start flowering in 2-3 weeks. do you guys think i will need to transplant one more time when it comes time to flower?