Noob about to start his first grow! So excited!


Well-Known Member
Hiya all this is my first post here but I've been a lurker for about 2 weeks now. Soaking up a brain full of excellent advice and knowledge while I create my project grow areas! I guess it's time to share my personal game plan and get some first hand advice from you fine folks!

Here are my preparations thus far. I have a 6x2x6 Veg closet setup with a 250w MH and 6 t8 floro's with blue spectrum bulbs for undergrowth. 2 oscillating fans on both ends of the room. I am planning to grow 10 plants this run from seeds weeding out males and hopefully getting some sexy momma's to begin cloning from. ( I'm also using a seed propagation/humidity case with 2 t8 tubes over it for the first week or so until I get a healthy root structures started before moving into the veg room, should have mentioned that first )

I have a second room in the last phase of construction for flowering 5x5x8. The room is equipped with a 600w HPS system and I have toyed with adding red spectrum floro's around the room vertically to add a little light below the canopy. This room is equipped with 2 oscillating fans blowing between the canopy and light and 1 large floor fan to produce air movement under the canopy. Both of these grow rooms have been painted flat white.

Seedlings will begin life in peat pots (jiffy pots) and moved from the humidity dome into the 3 gallon pots when they are ready for veg. They will remain in the 3 gallon pots until harvest.

Here are the details that I'm still somewhat iffy about. I want to keep this grow relatively simple as I have read about 3 million different preferences when it comes to people's personal grows. I'm trying to take (what I think) are the best and simplest ideas to implement into my own grow.

Soil storage - ( I cannot for obvious reasons do any of this outside my home) (I keep a squared away work and living environment so I have purchased 2 big plastic totes and some aquarium water aerators) I would like to mix my soil and keep it in one of these totes, very easily accessible. I could also keep tabs on the ph level of the soil and make adjustments as neccessary easily. Pointers on easy to the point soil mixtures or brands of premade soil would be awesome.

Water storage - The other tote will be filled with tap water and kept oxygenated at room temperature through aeration next to my soil in my seed/clone propagation area.

Fertilizers - I plan on using basic 20-20-20 fertilizer at maybe 1/4 to 1/2 strength through Veg and switching to a bloomer fertilizer somewhere around 10-30-20 through flowering. I also heard molasses is good any ideas on that for this operation?

I have 25 "White Widow" strain seeds that I will germinate until I successfully get 10 healthy seedlings. "White Widow" is the only strain I will be using on this grow.

I have an area for drying and curing but I'm not worried about that at this stage of preparation.

I plan on having everything done and begin seed germination 1 week from today =) YAY so very very very excited!

What do you all think the smell factor will be like with a 10 plant operation like this? I am operating out of my condo. I have close neighbors but no landlord or anyone who can snoop around my property.

Tyring to think if I'm missing any details. My mind has been flooded with info the past several weeks of planning. If I'm overlooking or you have pointers or ideas please feel free to share them with me.

Goal is to have a constant crop rotation, always have clones running, the veg room full, the flower room full, and the curing room full =)


P.S. I will post pictures when I start and begin a journal within the next 2 weeks!


Well-Known Member
Dude - you just wrote down the essence of this whole forum ;O)) - read the forum buddy


I am in the process of my first grow and i don't know about you but i feel scared, when i do leave the house, that someone will open my box and see it. That is just me maybe.


Well-Known Member
Newguro I am extremely scared, lol. I'm more worried about all of this money and effort going to waste if I fail my first time around. I don't get any traffic in my home. I'm one of those "don't stop by if your not invited" type people. I would say my second big worry is if it's going to smell really bad in here. I do keep a full time job 40+ hours a week, putting padlocks on my grow rooms just to curb a little of my paranoia.

How is your grow going? Did you do anything similar to my setup?


Well-Known Member
Thank you, butterflies in my stomach and I have yet to sow my first seed. SOmetimes I can get WAY over analytical before springing into action. I'll be sowing my first seed this thursday. As I get paid Friday and need a few extra dollars for some final touches before I feel confident enough to start. =)


Well-Known Member
Brimi ----- this probably wasn't the right place to post this, I guess I could have put it in the Grow Room section. First post and probably overly excited. I feel like I did when I was 10 years old on Christmas morning!

I did have several questions in there pertaining to general grow knowledge I guess. I'm buying soil this week and could use pointers on soil ratio's and fertilizers (keeping it basic mind you) I know there's tons of information about it online, Googling it comes back with 50 million different things. A couple educated opinions pertaining to my grow operation is all I'm asking. Looking to get 3 1/2 to 4 ft plants minimum and would like to pull a couple oz off each plant, or at least 15-16oz per harvest off a total of 10 plants once I get a solid supply of female clones off my first run.


Well-Known Member
Sorry - i can understand why you are excited. I was too, when i first started to grow - when i got indoor i was sold ;O)). But when internet came i just wrote all those questions in the search/filter and read what came up - and that's just an easy way to get way more answers than just the few people that see your post and answer - now what we say will be truth to you ;O) Anyway - i think you will easily find out how to grow super bud - it's not that hard unless you want it to be ;O))


Well-Known Member
Sorry - i can understand why you are excited. I was too, when i first started to grow - when i got indoor i was sold ;O)). But when internet came i just wrote all those questions in the search/filter and read what came up - and that's just an easy way to get way more answers than just the few people that see your post and answer - now what we say will be truth to you ;O) Anyway - i think you will easily find out how to grow super bud - it's not that hard unless you want it to be ;O))
You are right Brimi, I've learned a world of information just by hitting the search engines this last month. I've based the entire setup I wrote down above on information gathered by various sites this one included. This setup is kind of a cookie cutter layout that I based off similar grow setups that people seem to like.


Active Member
Fox Farm Ocean Forest is really good soil to use. If your looking for something you won't have to feed for a while then this is the stuff to get.


Well-Known Member
Fox Farm Ocean Forest is really good soil to use. If your looking for something you won't have to feed for a while then this is the stuff to get.
43Hitman I've had ALOT of people telling me this and thats what I'm going with. I had to order it as there are no local shops around here that carry it. COunt down has begun til I start my first journal. I have a few hundred bucks worth of supplies on it's way including the Ocean Forest =)


Active Member
Good luck with your grow mate. Just keep it as simple as you can for your first time and everything should go well.