Non of My Plants Smell?


Well-Known Member
Im well a newb at growing weed have grown 4 plants up todate.
And i been growing in a tent and im in a apartmant and i have never had a smell ware it hits when you come inside the apartment.Never used a carbon filter and smell?

Only when i smoke or cut its smells i have to have windows open and fans blowing it out
the window.

Is this good or bad cuss all my buddies tryed it and said best thing they smoked and wanted to get more.


Active Member
This can't be a bad thing, really. I mean, if it's good shit that doesn't smell, you will get in less trouble than it being pungent smelling. :D

My plants also don't smell like weed during flowering (they just smell plant-ish), and I can only be happy about that. :) Some strains do smell. BAD. Like white widow for example, that I know smells alot.

Happy gro.


Well-Known Member
Well the thing is that i grew 2 skunk plants and no smell came but your right seems like no problem.