Non-Medical State Clones


Well-Known Member
How much would you pay for rooted clones of a reputable strain?

Keep in mind that i am in a non medical state

Also these would be large clones, possibly two feet tall, so basically id be buying a small plant

Im trying to decide how much the 2' head start and no males is worth

Ive got plenty of seeds, same strain as the clones actually

But I dont want to have to mess with males and I dont want to have to start from seed in late may


Well-Known Member
well it would be good idea to use the small maybe with T5 light , as you can plant seeds and maintain 18 hours of light, cull males and keeping females by start on march or april, before you will transfer them to outdoor in the late of will be much easier job for you...if you have a chance to clone the pheno if you find one :D it ought be fun , buddy.
