node growth


Well-Known Member
alright, i have about 9 plants. they were all planted at the same exact time. every seed was from the SAME 1/4 oz. of skunk.

one is about 17 inches high, with it's sixth of seventh set of leaves growing..
the other 8 are about 7 or 8 inches high with the same amount of growth. just tighter.
they look like clones, really...

they were growing rather slowly, but in the past 5 days they have SPROUTED!! comparison pics will be posted...

five of them have nice little leaves growing out of every node possible, and the big one along with three smaller ones do not.

does anyone think this is a sign of sex at such an early age? like the females have the growth within the nodes, and are bushing themselves out early?

pics in a few.... they look nice!


Well-Known Member


i'll have to get better pictures with a camera, and not my phone tomorrow when i transplant into 5 gallon buckets.
detail of those nodes tomorrow... these are just the plants growth in 5 days... but they are 30+ days old.


Well-Known Member
You may want to put them in there own containers so the roots dont get tangles and stressed.. o.o other then that nice..for some reason my leaves looks much tighter then that.


Well-Known Member
my taller plant is very spaced out. still healthy though, so i'm not complaining.

i have 128 quarts of potting soil, and tomorrow they all get their own 5 gallon bucket. :)


Well-Known Member
Ahh thats good. My plants are maybe 2 inches tall and take up an entire 5qt bucket.. so the roots grow very fast...


Well-Known Member
the reason some are showing different growth patterns is due to the plants killing eachother for root space. when xplanting, do not sever the tap root. but you will prolly have to do a lil snip snip


Well-Known Member
well my biggest one is by its self right now, and its not growing any leaves in the nodes. well.. today i transplant, and i'll take better pics of the details.. i'm heading up there now.

thanks for the advice on the roots.. :)


Well-Known Member
i am basically going to continue this thread as my grow journal.

so i went to my place today and boy is this exciting!

i had two huge bags of miracle grow potting soil
[40% peat moss, perilite, vermiculite, nutes]

six 5 gal buckets that i spraypainted the outsides green, drilled drainage, etc...
transplanted the six beauties and have three plots with 2 at each.

the best part, is it's on this really thick and overgrown powerline trail, and the valley made by the powelines runs directly east and west.. so from sunrise to sunset, these bitches will be getting sunlight.

i will keep anybody or nobody informed with frequent pics and updates.


Well-Known Member
Looking forward to see this valley... and gl with the grow keep us posted and looking forward to seeing it.


Well-Known Member
yea, today i was looking at them with my friend, and 4 of them i strongly believe are female. they are beauties, and all have nice leaves coming in between each node.. three others, including the tall stretched out one, are more likely male.

4 females = 1 happy pat. :)

P.S.. i'm going to make my grow journal where it belongs, i'll post a link when i do.
[this was a topic about node growth... thanks for the halp guys!]