No weed... what do you guys do?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
DO be careful, though.As few as two nutmegs can KILL you.

Take two nuts, grate them up with a cheese grater, when they get down to nubs cut them up to take them like pills. Put the nutmeg into something, because it tastes like shit normally. I would try mixing it with chocolate milk or something along those lines.

After a few hours (depending on how much food you ate prior to the nutmeg ingestion) the feelings will start to take effect. Should get you some of the feelings you're after


Well-Known Member
dude..i toally feel what yur going trough..i havent had weed like in a week, and the first 2 or 3 days are the worst..but after that i feel fine..
i get weed craving runs trough my mind..i try doing other things to distract me..
i hate those days, but in a way i like them because it bring down my i think im loosing something bu really im gaining.just feels like shit..ahhahahahhah


Well-Known Member
hey man, found myself in your situation a few months ago...
I organised a free spore print, bought two bags of popcorn and started growing shrooms, which I exchange for pot. :)

Its much stealther and faster than growing pot... I also planted some pot seeds and the resultis now curing in jars :)

Get or make a plan and stick to it.
man up, and stop being an addict. seriously. i smoke ALOT....and i still have to go without some days, it happens. maybe this 'ill lern ya to grow somethin'....


all you assholes on this guys dick need to get off it about living his life. Reality is fine in small doses but that shit gets boring. what i do is what someone said earlier is dxm you go to walmart and buy robutusin long lasting I think the writing is orange Make sure that DXM is the only active ingredient and your fine, the pills take about an hour and a half to fully kick in but if you dont like the taste of the liquid its worth it and the liquid takes about a half hour to kick in I actually just recently ran out of weed and my guy didnt answer his phone so i went to walmart annd bought some tussin im on it while im writing this its different than weed and you can get pretty itchy if you do to much I would suggest 300 mg to start (usually 1 bottle of pills or liquid) its 5 dollars and its a 4 to 5 hour high. and i feel the same way about drinking it suck unless your high too i can se im rambling so ill leave you with this quote
Anything worth doing is worth doing wright-
We fit in where we get in around here- bumfights (cribs edition) looked up the video on youtube its actualy mac the pimp


Well-Known Member
This kid can't get high on weed, and can't suck it up in "the real world". so it's better to suggest chuggin robitussin? Wake up man


oh also dont ever do 900 mg of dxm while your haning out with your girlfriend and she is unaware you just did that because she will question you and you will have to say i feel dizzy because I sprayed all of that raid on the perimeter of the patio and when she takes you to walgreens so you can get aloe because you are itching like crazy and you wander around aimlessly not remmebering anything that happened in walgreens and you fall asleep for 13 hours once you get home and tell your girlfriend i just think i need some rest ill see you tommoorw and wake up with the left side of your face swollen and then you tell your girl friedn that you seem to remember punching yourself in the face last night on accident and she believes you trust me its a bad idea i know from experience(this really happened to me)
So maybe dont try dxm or do it in small doses because i was hooked for a little while and would do it about 3 times a week with weed and my grades slipped a little i technically didnt pass a realestate finance class but i think the teacher noticed the deteriration of myself throughout the course of the semester so he took pity on me and gave me a c-(by the end of the semester my hair was relatively long and never combed and my beard was relatively full grown) so im going to try to not cut my hair / beard for the last month of each semester so teachers feel bad for me lol jk but it crossed my mind


Well-Known Member
yeah... i'm feeling a little better now. yeah sometimes i get panic attacks, and if anyone else has ever had a panic attack, TRUST ME, weed is the BEST medication you can possibly take. So I tend to get really desperate if I'm having one and don't have any bud to smoke. Still having really strong cravings though.

Probably going to find a butane lighter and torch the shit out of my entire pipe and try to get a magic res hit. Goddamn I wanna get high so bad hahaha:-|
I actually have anxiety also. I haven't had an "attack" any time recently, but weed used to actually make my anxiety worse......until I learned to control it. Now weed definitely does help. Best of luck to ya dude.


Well-Known Member
oh also dont ever do 900 mg of dxm while your haning out with your girlfriend and she is unaware you just did that because she will question you and you will have to say i feel dizzy because I sprayed all of that raid on the perimeter of the patio and when she takes you to walgreens so you can get aloe because you are itching like crazy and you wander around aimlessly not remmebering anything that happened in walgreens and you fall asleep for 13 hours once you get home and tell your girlfriend i just think i need some rest ill see you tommoorw and wake up with the left side of your face swollen and then you tell your girl friedn that you seem to remember punching yourself in the face last night on accident and she believes you trust me its a bad idea i know from experience(this really happened to me)
So maybe dont try dxm or do it in small doses because i was hooked for a little while and would do it about 3 times a week with weed and my grades slipped a little i technically didnt pass a realestate finance class but i think the teacher noticed the deteriration of myself throughout the course of the semester so he took pity on me and gave me a c-(by the end of the semester my hair was relatively long and never combed and my beard was relatively full grown) so im going to try to not cut my hair / beard for the last month of each semester so teachers feel bad for me lol jk but it crossed my mind
so yea it's totally cool to chug robitusin.^^^^^^fuck that


I changed my standing on the position dahamma cut me a break dxm=bad even though im on it now its caused more problems than good but fuck you


Well-Known Member
Bro just do a lot of excercise....go for a nice long jog. Ive got insomnia and need bud to sleep but I can still cope without it i just wear myself out until i can hardly walk and then just crash in my most of the time. Seriously try it..excercise makes you forget about a lot of your troubles


Well-Known Member
fuck me? I won't judge anyone man. I just hate to see bad advice given and hate to see kids directed wrong. I haven't smoked weed in 18 yrs and ciggs in 1yr . so I hate to see a person getting directed in a pharm kind of way. addiction is tough I know . But a kid needing too get high and heading down that path ain't cool. as a person with experience? guide to a better place man. all the best stonedwall


Well-Known Member
Try Jenkem... :D
Worst "drug" ever. Of course, if you're dumb enough to huff methane produced from your shit, have at it. The gene pool will not miss your contribution.

On topic, you definitely need to develop some coping mechanisms - in other words, man up and deal with that shit instead of replacing it with another substance. There's nothing wrong with taking something to ease the symptoms, that's just self medicating.

I have depression and insomnia that weed 100% cures. Been sober for MONTHS (not of my own choosing). I am not substituting another substance, especially not prescriptions. Tried Ambien, rather deal with insomnia than its side-effects. Anti-depressants almost always cause insomnia, which I sure as fuck dont need more of. Thanks for nothing Big Pharma.

The only way to make yourself a stronger person is to realize that you are in control. Find that seat of power in your head and tell yourself that that panic attack is just some stupid shit that will pass. Life is not easy and melting into a puddle of piss everytime you don't have a mind-altering substance to "fix" you is not the solution.