No More Cigarettes!!!!!


Master of Mayhem
So I quit smoking cigarettes and it has been 9 days now. I feel so much better already. I can actually breathe effortlessly and I can smell things soooooo much better. I sleep better at night and wake up more refreshed in the morning. I highly reccommend this to anyone smoking cigarettes......they are evil.:peace:

Smoke purp drink purp

Active Member
hahahaha funny shit...i JUST got off the phone with my doctor getting a prescription to chantix...sad...thats the only thing that can help me quit... -_-


Master of Mayhem
I'm actually on the patch........There's no way in hell I could have done it on my own. I would be in prison for ripping a bitches throat out


Well-Known Member
good for you ErnieD,,,congrats,,I've quit some hard stuff,,,,but I am NOT ready to give up smokes just yet,,but when I decide I've had enough,,rest assured I will do it,,good goin man:hump:

Keep on Growin



Master of Mayhem
Thanks guys.....I figure if I could kick my old habits (crysal meth and oxy's) then I should be able to weather this one...(with the help of the patch of course!!!) :bigjoint:

I still miss the act of inhaling the smoke so on the weekends I am substituting weed for tobacco....needless to say I'm staying blowed.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I used the patch for a month and Im smoking twice as much these days.
the patch didnt work long for me and do to the heavy nicotine in patches my
dependency sky rocketed.
why should the government move in and over tax these cos and not give thing back to the people it hurts, besides some lame ass commercials!
real happy for you bro, glad its working out...9 wks is very hard..... awesome!


Well-Known Member
I quit aswell been 18 days now :) weeheeee :D:D:D

My toenails have chang'd, not saying the were ugly but they were allit yellow arround the edges..... from SMOKING ! Well my toes are beatyfull now ^^

i am proud beach go'er now :):):):)


Well-Known Member
the patch made my head spin it was annoying...
i wish i could quit, it's such a nasty habit and expensive too


Master of Mayhem
I'm on the 21mg delivered over 24 hours right now. I'm moving down to step 2 this weekend. Last night I did an experiment and left it off while I was asleep (that shit gives me CRAZY ASS dreams) and I woke up just fine. No nicotine fits or nothing. However when I put it back on, about 5 minutes later I felt like I just smoked a cigarette. They seem to be working so far.

I originally stopped due to an upper respiratory infection I had like 2 weeks ago. Now that I have quit I can smell other people's smoke. This has given me even more incentive to stop. Evertime my co-worker goes outside to smoke he comes back in wreaking of cigarettes. Then whenever he talks to me his breathe smells like a wet ashtray....yuck. It's hard to believe that I used to smell like that.

The other night me and the old lady were "doin the damn thing" :hump: and she had just smoked a cigarette. Everytime she exhaled all I could smell was that wet ashtray smell......I had to flip her ass over to finish it off. :lol:


100% Authentic A$$Hole
I'm on the 21mg delivered over 24 hours right now. I'm moving down to step 2 this weekend. Last night I did an experiment and left it off while I was asleep (that shit gives me CRAZY ASS dreams) and I woke up just fine. No nicotine fits or nothing. However when I put it back on, about 5 minutes later I felt like I just smoked a cigarette. They seem to be working so far.

I originally stopped due to an upper respiratory infection I had like 2 weeks ago. Now that I have quit I can smell other people's smoke. This has given me even more incentive to stop. Evertime my co-worker goes outside to smoke he comes back in wreaking of cigarettes. Then whenever he talks to me his breathe smells like a wet ashtray....yuck. It's hard to believe that I used to smell like that.

The other night me and the old lady were "doin the damn thing" :hump: and she had just smoked a cigarette. Everytime she exhaled all I could smell was that wet ashtray smell......I had to flip her ass over to finish it off. :lol:

Say word:hump:


Well-Known Member
b4 me and my girl were together i told her i didnt kiss girls who smoke cigs. so she quit and we got together and now its 3 yrs later still kissin and no cigs. sometimes you need a reason to do something


Active Member
Quit cigs 4 months ago today after smoking 2 packs daily for over 35 years (oops, giving away my age)! Tried once using the patch... all I did was smoke with the thing on. Someone recommended Chantix, but I was concerned. I had read that they were going to start trialing Chantix for alcohol abuse, and my concern was I wasn't going to get high on that $400 bag o' weed I just bought. But after someone assured me that Chantix does not interefere (whatsoever) with the pleasures of mj, I got a prescription and quit one week later.

With absolutely no jitters, no withdrawel symptoms, no side effects, nothing.

They say most people take it for 3 months... I only needed 2 months. Was able to stop taking Chantix with no problems either.

Yes, I do feel better... but (I hate to admit it) my primary motivation was saving money. The way I figure it, I'm going to pocket about $3,600 more of my hard earned dollars per year! And I'm actually saving more than that, because now I don't go to the convenience store nearly as often, where I would spend a few extra dollars with my cigs for soda, snack, whatever.

Haven't noticed any earth shattering taste or smell recovery as of yet, but I agree with the first poster, I do feel better, and am able to carry all the groceries up the stairs without feeling winded now.

Oh, and for those of you worried about the cost of Chantix, my 2 months worth cost me $240.00 (no prescription plan), a savings of well over $300.00 from what I would've spent for cigs for those 2 months.


Well-Known Member
she was like ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh errrrrrrnieeeeeeeeeee. you were like damn baby, here is a mint lol. i know what you are talkin bout tho. because if i stay at someones house who doesnt smoke, after a while my clothes reek of smoke. and if i dont smoke for a while someone who just smoked i can smell from like 5-10 feet away. i need to quit haha.


Well-Known Member
So I quit smoking cigarettes and it has been 9 days now. I feel so much better already. I can actually breathe effortlessly and I can smell things soooooo much better. I sleep better at night and wake up more refreshed in the morning. I highly reccommend this to anyone smoking cigarettes......they are evil.:peace:
good for you!! i quit on sept. 15 i still have cravings everyonce in a while when drinking but i got them under control. havent even had 1 or a drag...i used the patch...again


Well-Known Member
that shit gives me CRAZY ASS dreams
I feel ya, I had a hard time sleeping myself to the point where I couldnt put it on before bed time,but unlike you I'd wake up looking for a smoke.

glad to hear people are quiting, wish I had the will power:cry:


Well-Known Member
gratz keep it upp i smoke like almost 3 packs a day ever since i quit speed but thats been almomost 5 years

i keep wanting to stop cuz the conspiracy theorist inside of mne knows the only reason they are around and chalked full of harsh chemicals is to help kill 80% of our population so the powers that be can assume total control and im playing into thier hands with my newports but man i just cant help it