No Memory For 5 Days!?!?!


Ok so i woke up in my bed today, feeling like i had just got drunk off my ass, i remember taking like 4 Xanax and smoking some home grown grand daddy purp at my friends house, and getting in his truck that was on the 8th. ITS THE 13TH i have no clue what happened!! this was my third time getting barred out, and i didnt take all the Xanax at one time i took the 4 over a period of 5 hours. Has this happened to any one?? Oh and my friend brought me to his parents house and apperantly we took his parents brand new 2010 lincoln mkz!! they dont know but still he was barred out too and this was dangerous. im never getting barred out again, only bud now. It changed me cuz i would never be down to take their car.:shock:


Active Member
^^ that guy is right. Good decision on not gettin barred anymore. A few fun times can turn into a horrible addiction and fuck yours, and many others lives up (as you can see you took your friends parents car LOL)


bud bootlegger
yah, zannies are good for blackouts... i took some one night, and all i remember from the night for the most part was waking up handcuffed to a hospital bed, tell me that's not an odd thing to be waking up too, lol..
but yah, zannies and blacking out go hand and hand, which is why i don't like them too much.. i also like to refer to them as retard pills as that is what i usually turn into after taking a few of them..


Well-Known Member
I love xanax. Not gonna lie. Having a similar 5 day blackout myself, actually. Been poppin 6-7 bars a day since like last thursday or something. I don't even know....... but I don't do stupid shit like others. I pop 5 bars and go to work with no problems.


I took some ambien one time when I was drunk and blacked out. It was the only time I've ever not remembered a night. My friends said I took 6 of them. I had a chipped tooth, wet underwear, a pool of piss on the couch, huge gash on my knuckle, and couldn't recollect a damn thing in the morning.


Active Member
I was poppin 6-8 bars a day and let me tell you, it doesnt come with anything good, unless you like to have seizures.....


Thanks for teh help haha, i was planning on one night of fun, and missed five days of work. I told my boss i had to go to colorado cuz my Grandmother was sick lol.


Well-Known Member
ya if u wana get really fucked up take Xanax and drink
Ok so i woke up in my bed today, feeling like i had just got drunk off my ass, i remember taking like 4 Xanax and smoking some home grown grand daddy purp at my friends house, and getting in his truck that was on the 8th. ITS THE 13TH i have no clue what happened!! this was my third time getting barred out, and i didnt take all the Xanax at one time i took the 4 over a period of 5 hours. Has this happened to any one?? Oh and my friend brought me to his parents house and apperantly we took his parents brand new 2010 lincoln mkz!! they dont know but still he was barred out too and this was dangerous. im never getting barred out again, only bud now. It changed me cuz i would never be down to take their car.:shock:


Well-Known Member
ya the highest I can say I ever got was doin a bunch of xanys and drinking some coronas and snorting some coke and blazing weed,man I miss those times


bud bootlegger
ya the highest I can say I ever got was doin a bunch of xanys and drinking some coronas and snorting some coke and blazing weed,man I miss those times
i think the most effed up i've been was banging a few bags of heroin, dropping a few zannies, smoked a few bowls and then topped the night off with like 3 e pills... i felt incredible... everyone thought i was going to die mind you, but it sure as hell felt good.. i don't recommend trying it though, lol


Well-Known Member
The *DUMBEST* thing I have EVER done is as follows:
Took 200mg methylone and lots of ketamine by IM injection night before,
Take 250mg of methylone when I wake up, go walk and take 600mg of dxm (usually doesnt effect me much, but it was all i could stomach) I fucking went delirious, SOMEHOW managed to cop 10 dilaudid 2mgs for 20 dollars and took them all. I was found foaming at the mouth black out then when they woke me up I went bat shit insane. Ended up getting a semi-concussion and a head bleed, not great but couldnt FEEL SHIT. And after I smoked weed I felt like I was in heaven, craziest night of my life.. But seriously retardedly stupid, do you know how dangerous to the respiratory, seizure, and serotonin levels all that is.. Very bad. Seemingly my brain rebounds well for some reason. THANK GOD


bud bootlegger
The *DUMBEST* thing I have EVER done is as follows:
Took 200mg methylone and lots of ketamine by IM injection night before,
Take 250mg of methylone when I wake up, go walk and take 600mg of dxm (usually doesnt effect me much, but it was all i could stomach) I fucking went delirious, SOMEHOW managed to cop 10 dilaudid 2mgs for 20 dollars and took them all. I was found foaming at the mouth black out then when they woke me up I went bat shit insane. Ended up getting a semi-concussion and a head bleed, not great but couldnt FEEL SHIT. And after I smoked weed I felt like I was in heaven, craziest night of my life.. But seriously retardedly stupid, do you know how dangerous to the respiratory, seizure, and serotonin levels all that is.. Very bad. Seemingly my brain rebounds well for some reason. THANK GOD
i hear you haddaway.. i've surely done a lot of stupid shit in my heavy drug use days and never thought twice about.. i'm a very very lucky man to still be alive and breathing to be honest with you after some of the stunts i've pulled, not to mention getting robbed at gun point several times copping dope, etc etc etc... i don't wish that life style on anyone tbh..


Well-Known Member
Ive been dragged by a car because someone stole an ounce from me (I WOULDNT LET GO!!!) I stupidly give them the weed first, they HAUL ass, somehow my super spideyweed senses kicked in and SOMEHOW got my arm in in the window, I started running with the car, dont remember what happened next but I was literally hanging on the back bumper being dragged on the road and they were screaming FUCKING LET GO ARE YOU CRAZY! Severe 2nd and 3rd degree burns to my right thigh HUGE, my WHOLE left arm, chin, chest, Ive never been in such excruciating pain in my life..

That doesnt even include the time a guy tried to rob us for 30 rolls with a shotgun, jumped my friend, then the cops were called ON US, and I had 12 cops putting guns on me with 100's of people outside the shopping plaza like WTF. Obviously nothing happened, but wtf man this shit is stupid.