

Apologies ahead of time for my own mishap. Im asking all for help and input.

I need any reasonable preferably organic advice relating to prevention/control of Caterpillars, Slugs, and Bud/horn worms.

The following showing zero resistance to fighting these guys off from prevention to onset: Safer's Caterpiller Concentrate ,Neem, and Diatomaceous earth.


Well-Known Member
bacillus thuringiensis, aka BT spray.

100% organic and it's what growers use to prevent budworms.

works best preventatively. i rotate BT one week and neem the next week for budworms and mites.


Well-Known Member
bowl of beer near the plant ...........i know this is effective on slugs use like 2 3 inchs of beer in the bowl............redneck family mother had a garden this was her trick ........put it out at night in the morning take it dump out all the dead ones repeat untill bowl comes up clear one or 2 nights and no more slugs on the cabage/lettues


Thank you for the input everyone. Its very much appreciated, If it doesnt bother anyone, I will keep you guys/girls posted with updates, Again thank you for the advice.